Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
New Terapix-CADC ICD
by FMA - Updated June 5th, 2007
* step 1 (QF-in of all Megacam images)
- data transfered from terapix to cadc:
 . 1 weight image per QFitsed image: %d%c_weight.fits.fz (RICE compressed)
 . each image has a grade/comment transfered through a cronjobed mysql dump (in csv format, or else)

- data which stay at terapix:
 . metada (QF-in output webpage) accessed through a fixed URL:

* step 2 (stacks)
- data transfered from terapix to cadc:
 . stack image: CFHTLS_{program}_{filter}_{RADEC}_T0003.fits.fz
   eg: CFHTLS_W_g_022929-070000_T0003.fits.fz
 . associated weight image
   e.g. CFHTLS_W_g_022929-070000_T0003_weight.fits.fz
 . single filter catalogs (detection on chi2 image, measurement on single
   filter image) ingested in a database at cadc (SExtractor CATALOG_TYPE ASCII_HEAD)
   e.g. CFHTLS_W_g_022929-070000_T0003.cat
 . ds9 mask
   e.g. CFHTLS_W_g_022929-070000_T0003.reg
 . grade/comments

- data which stay at terapix:
 . metada (QF-out webpage, plots, .head) accessed through a fixed URL:
   e.g. http://ftpix.iap.fr/T0003/CFHTLS_W_g_022929-070000_T0003/

* step 3 (color-color analysis)
- data transfered from terapix to cadc:
 . chi2 images + weight
   e.g.: CFHTLS_W_gri_022539-050800_T0003.fits.fz  ???? À revoir ?

- data which stay at terapix:
 . Plots, counts, jpeg color images, through the same URL
   e.g. http://ftpix.iap.fr/T0003/CFHTLS_W_g_022929-070000_T0003/
   Todo: avoir une URL toute prête pour image couleur, plots, etc... que le
   CADC puisse y faire directement des liens.

* VW...

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