Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Incremental backup of the web server diretory with rdiff-backup
by FMA - Updated August 3rd, 2007
rdiff-backup is used to save incrementally the directory /var/www on terapix/mix

NB: the content of those config files (crontab) might have been modified, so check on the machine.

mix:~# grep rdiff /etc/crontab
17 1 * * * root /usr/bin/rdiff-backup --exclude /var/www/CACHE /var/www /data1/SAVE/web/

The directory /var/www on mix is saved every day at 1:17 into /data1/SAVE/web/ (separate disk drive on mix), excluding the cache directory.

/data1/SAVE/web/ is then a copy of /var/www after 1:17 (only the directory rdiff-backup-data is added). The examples page is quite versatile.

NB: those commands are to be typed when you already are in the mirror directory /data1/SAVE/web/.

-  List increments for design/4.00/sommaire_intranet.html:

$ rdiff-backup -l design/4.00/sommaire_intranet.html

-  Restore design/4.00/sommaire_intranet.html the way it was 10 days ago as the test file /toto:
$ rdiff-backup -r 10D design/4.00/sommaire_intranet.html ~/toto
See the web page for the time formats to give to -r, and other options.

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