- Updated August 17th, 2006
That's easy, just one link to know: The first thing to begin download is to stop the daemon headerverify. So type the following commands : su <root password> /etc/init.d/headerverify stop Afterwards, you can use wget to retrieve data. For this, go to one of the following path: /data/clix/fc1/from_CADC/ /data/clix/fc2/from_CADC/ /data/clix/fc5/from_CADC/ /data/clix/fc9/from_CADC/ /data/clix/fc11/from_CADC/ and put all your images to retrieve with the full URL into the file. After use the following command : wget --input-file=<file> Once all images downloaded, delete the file containing the list of files to download. Then move the files downloaded to /data/clix/fc(1|2|5|9|11)/from_CADC/headervalid/master/ And don't forget to relaunch the deamon : /etc/init.d/headerverify start