Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Final catalogs SExtrator parameters list
by FMA - Updated September 23rd, 2006
The corresponding .param file (ready to feed to SExtractor) is available here.
SExtractor parameters list for T0003
Parameter Unit Comment Supplementary comment
NUMBER Running object number
X_IMAGE pixel Object position along x
Y_IMAGE pixel Object position along y
ERRA_IMAGE pixel RMS position error along major axis Error-ellipse shape parameter. Generic SExtractor parameter naming construction: ERR[-] refers to error-ellipse properties, while [-]ERR refers to error on SExtractor object parameters.
ERRB_IMAGE pixel RMS position error along minor axis Error-ellipse shape parameter.
ERRTHETA_IMAGE deg Error-ellipse position angle (CCW/x) Error-ellipse shape parameter.
A_IMAGE pixel Profile RMS along major axis Object shape parameter.
B_IMAGE pixel Profile RMS along minor axis Object shape parameter.
POLAR_IMAGE - Ellipticity "polarisation" definition. Object shape parameter: (A2-B2) / (A2+B2), useful for weak lensing.
THETA_IMAGE deg Position angle (CCW/x) Object shape parameter.
X_WORLD deg Barycenter position along world x axis
Y_WORLD deg Barycenter position along world y axis
ERRA_WORLD pixel World RMS position error along major axis Error-ellipse shape parameter.
ERRB_WORLD pixel World RMS position error along minor axis Error-ellipse shape parameter.
ERRTHETA_WORLD deg Error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x) Error-ellipse position angle.
A_WORLD deg Profile RMS along major axis (world units)
B_WORLD deg Profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
POLAR_WORLD - Ellipticity "polarisation" (from world units A, B)
THETA_WORLD deg Position angle (CCW/world-x)
ALPHA_J2000 deg Right ascension of barycenter (J2000)
DELTA_J2000 deg Declination of barycenter (J2000)
ERRTHETA_J2000 deg J2000 error ellipse pos. angle (east of north)
THETA_J2000 deg Position angle (east of north) (J2000)
XWIN_IMAGE pixel Windowed position estimate along x WIN[--] refers to parameters weighted by a Gaussian window function, as in IMCAT.
YWIN_IMAGE pixel Windowed position estimate along y
ERRAWIN_IMAGE pixel RMS windowed pos error along major axis
ERRBWIN_IMAGE pixel RMS windowed pos error along minor axis
ERRTHETAWIN_IMAGE deg Windowed error ellipse pos angle (CCW/x)
AWIN_IMAGE pixel Windowed profile RMS along major axis
BWIN_IMAGE pixel Windowed profile RMS along minor axis
POLARWIN_IMAGE - Ellipticity "polarisation"
THETAWIN_IMAGE deg Windowed position angle (CCW/x)
XWIN_WORLD deg Windowed position along world x axis
YWIN_WORLD deg Windowed position along world y axis
ERRAWIN_WORLD pixel World RMS windowed pos error along major axis
ERRBWIN_WORLD pixel World RMS windowed pos error along minor axis
ERRTHETAWIN_WORLD deg Windowed error ellipse pos. angle (CCW/world-x)
AWIN_WORLD deg Windowed profile RMS along major axis (world units)
BWIN_WORLD deg Windowed profile RMS along minor axis (world units)
POLARWIN_WORLD - Ellipticity "polarisation" (from world units AWIN, BWIN)
THETAWIN_WORLD deg Windowed position angle (CCW/world-x)
ALPHAWIN_J2000 deg Windowed right ascension (J2000)
DELTAWIN_J2000 deg windowed declination (J2000)
ERRTHETAWIN_J2000 deg J2000 windowed error ellipse pos. angle (east of north)
THETAWIN_J2000 deg Windowed position angle (east of north) (J2000)
FLUX_ISO count Isophotal flux
FLUXERR_ISO count RMS error for isophotal flux
MAG_ISO mag Isophotal magnitude
MAGERR_ISO mag RMS error for isophotal magnitude
FLUX_APER(2) count Flux vector within fixed circular aperture(s)
FLUXERR_APER(2) count RMS error vector for aperture flux(es)
MAG_APER(2) mag Fixed aperture magnitude vector
MAGERR_APER(2) mag RMS error vector for fixed aperture mag.
FLUX_AUTO count Flux within a Kron-like elliptical aperture
FLUXERR_AUTO count RMS error for AUTO flux
MAG_AUTO mag Kron-like elliptical aperture magnitude
MAGERR_AUTO mag RMS error for AUTO magnitude
FLUX_PETRO count Flux within a Petrosian-like elliptical aperture
FLUXERR_PETRO count RMS error for PETROsian flux
MAG_PETRO mag Petrosian-like elliptical aperture magnitude
MAGERR_PETRO mag RMS error for PETROsian magnitude
FLUX_RADIUS(3) pixel Fraction-of-light radii For T0003 : Radii that contain 20%. 50% and 80% of the total flux.
KRON_RADIUS Kron apertures in units of A or B
PETRO_RADIUS Petrosian apertures in units of A or B
BACKGROUND count Background at centroid position
THRESHOLD count Detection threshold above background
MU_THRESHOLD mag*arcsec-2 Detection threshold above background
FLUX_MAX count Peak flux above background
MU_MAX mag*arcsec-2 Peak surface brightness above background
ISOAREA_IMAGE pixel2 Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
ISOAREAF_IMAGE pixel2 Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection threshold
ISOAREA_WORLD deg2 Isophotal area above Analysis threshold
ISOAREAF_WORLD deg2 Isophotal area (filtered) above Detection threshold
FLAGS Extraction flags
CLASS_STAR S/G classifier output

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