Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
How to use defectix
on mix5
by ABA - Updated January 3rd, 2007
This article proposes the standard procedure to use defectix 1.1.4 installed on mix5 to computed mask for stacked images.

defectix is installed in /usr/local/bin. To check the version, first type in :

$> defectix -V
defectix: (defectix 1.1.4) Fri Jun 10 13:53:47 CEST 2005
Written by Anthony Baillard (baillard@iap.fr)

A second software is installed on mix5, in /usr/local/bin, it is called fits-scale and is used to scale fits files.

$> fits-scale -h
usage: fits-scale...

Configuration files are copied in /usr/local/defectix.

-  simconf is used to simulate defects on a MEF file
-  trainconf is used to create a KL basis and train a network using files provided by simconf.
-  computeconf is used to create masks using the KL basis and the network created by trainconf.

Already trained networks and KL bases are also available :

-  halos.rebin4.bloc8.PC8.int800.net is network for MEF files rebinned by 4, using blocs 8x8 pixels, 8 principal components and a intensity parameter of 800.
-  halos.rebin4.bloc8.PC8.mat.gsl is a KL basis for MEF files rebinned by 4, using blocs 8x8 pixels, 8 principal components.
-  halos.rebin8.bloc8.PC8.int600.net is network for MEF files rebinned by 8, using blocs 8x8 pixels, 8 principal components and a intensity parameter of 600.
-  halos.rebin8.bloc8.PC8.mat.gsl is a KL basis for MEF files rebinned by 8, using blocs 8x8 pixels, 8 principal components.
-  halos.rebin8.bloc8.PC8.int800.net is network for MEF files rebinned by 8, using blocs 8x8 pixels, 8 principal components and a intensity parameter of 800.

These files must be used ONLY with raw MEF files.

To handle images stacked using swarp, some other configuration files are available in /data/mix5/raid2/defectix_temp/.

-  defconf is a configuration file for stacked images.
-  nn.net is a trained network for stacked images with parameters of defconf.
-  evec.gsl is a KL basis for stacked images with parameters of defconf.

So, the only thing to do is to edit defconf and to choose the correct input file to create a mask. The resulting file is mask.fits.

The standard procedure is :

-  edit a configuration file, e.g., defconf
-  type in

$> defectix -C defconf

-  type in

$> fits-scale -f 4 -i mask.fits

The resulting image is mask.scale.fits that can be compared with any reg file produced by hand.

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