The C VOTable Parser Library.

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Introduction to the libVOTable library

The VOTable Library consists in a single header file votable.h providing a set of C functions that can be used in your own sources, to manage memory, parse document. It is portable , efficient and simple to use.

Library structure

The file votable.h contains all the functions that compose the library itself. It is organized as follows :

To use this library in your own C code, include the following line :

  #include "votable.h"

How to parse a VOTable file with the libVOTable

To parse a VOTable file with the libVOTable, follow the instructions :

To easier the functions usage, they have been grouped together into modules in the documentation. These modules are :

How to compile ?

Thanks to its packaging, the libVOTable library is a very light and user-friendly library . The easiest way to compile your own code test.c with the libVOTable library is to type :
  libtool gcc -o test -static test.c -I/usr/local/include/libxml2 -lxml2

What's next ?

If you are ready to get more, and to start writing more serious programs with libVOTable, you are invited to go to the Tutorial : Getting Started section.