- Updated January 4th, 2005
What you need :
- a Web server with php enabled
- Mysql database
- Perl
Pipeline User Account
Spica should be run with a dedicated user/group. So create a new user named 'pipeline' into the users group.
Web server
Use of CGI scripts should be allowed. Edit your /etc/httpd/conf/commonhttp.conf. You should add : Options ExecCGI in the &inf;Directory /var/www/cgi-bin⊃ section. Change also the User/Group to pipeline/users Restart your server in order to update your configuration. Check you have php and mysql support enabled with phpinfo(). If not, apply the update.
Install the package and change the root password with mysqladmin -u root -p passwd. One very useful tool is phpMyAdmin, this is not mandatory but it can help a lot !
Pre-requires : libxml2, libmysqlclient
This tool allow one to store image header, catalogs and pipeline output processes into the mysql database. You need to install the libxml2 library in order to install this package. Three step are required :
untar the cfitsio package and do configure, make
untar the htm library and configure, make
untar the v1bis package and type './install.csh' in the src directory. Follow instructions. Check the README file if problems occurs.
Many tools available from Terapix should be installed. The standard binary path is /usr/local/bin/
RPM packages :
Swarp (images resampling and co-addition)
Sextractor (images source extraction)
Others :
CFITSIO v2460 : library to handle fits format (configure, make , make install). Type 'make imcopy' and copy it to /usr/local/bin . imcopy is a tool to uncompress/compress fits images. (don't use older version than 2460 please) : tool to explode MEF Ldac files into separate CCD ldac files. Used by the WIFIX_Distrib_1.1b (astrometrix/photometrix) which can't cope directly with MEF files.
WIFIX_Distrib_1.1b : Astrometrix/photometrix package. Need to be patched to be used by the pipeline.
Check static X11 library is there (libX11.a), if not install the associated package. Then download the latest PDL tarball and install it. Go to the Install directory, modify the Build.conf file and run the install. Once done, add in your shell and restart installtion !
Spica : web frontend
Just extract the main package in your webserver tree.
Do the same with the cgi package. Install also the uncgi library with cc -DLIBRARY -c uncgi.c .Patch the source adding #include "errno.h" in the first few lines.
Install the rpm spica daemon which will launch the pipeline processes.
Spica automated
CADC2Terapix | Transfer data from one location to terapix |
DataTransfer | Dispatch data to nodes on our cluster |
Pre_reduction | Load image into database and sort them |
Spica_auto | Reduction tasks |