- Updated July 15th, 2004
We have developed several tools for handling MEF (multi-extension fits) and LDAC (Leiden Data Analysis Centre) files:
- Splitting MEF FITS
Missfits splits MEF files into separate CCD images
- Splitting MEF LDAC
Explode_ldac is a tool to explode MEF catalog files using the CFITSIO library
- Compute completeness from a FITS file
Compteness is a perl script which build a postscript and png completeness graph.
> -h > -i [-e -c -m -n -p -s -z ]
example : -i /data/pix5/raid/processing/spica/admin/admin-spica/724372p/swarp/CFHTLS_W_r_023319-060445_T0001.fits -z 26.633 -c /usr/local/etc/spica/completude/config/ -o /data/pix5/raid/processing//03BL02/r.MP9601/spica/CFHTLS_W_r_023319-060445_T0001/qualityFITS_out/
/data/pix5/raid/processing/spica/admin/admin-spica/724372p/swarp/CFHTLS_W_r_023319-060445_T0001.fits is the stacked image
/usr/local/etc/spica/completude/config/ is the sextractor configuration
in this directory : /usr/local/etc/spica/completude/config/, you need to put also the other sextractor configuration files : cfhtls.param, cfhtls.nnw, cfhtls.param
if you want to use another file, you need : 1) all sextractor configuration file should be located inside the same directory 2) they should have the same core name (cfhtls here)
/data/pix5/raid/processing//03BL02/r.MP9601/spica/CFHTLS_W_r_023319-060445_T0001/qualityFITS_out/ is the output directory where you'll find :
CFHTLS_W_r_023319-060445_T0001_comptness.txt : ASCII text file CFHTLS_W_r_023319-060445_T0001_comptness.png : PNG file : Postscript file