Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Minutes for the terameeting 27th July 2010
by HJMCC - Updated July 28th, 2010

Minutes for the Terameeting of July 27th

Present: Henry, Patrick, Yannick, Yuliana, Mathias M., Fred

Calibration of CFHTLS T07 (Yuliana)
-  W3 L99 data only: the dispersions are slightly better, but there are still offsets. Yuliana will double check the offset values.
-  Yuliana will check that the FSCALE values are the same everywhere on all images (they should be, as only photometric data is included)
-  Still don't understand why the results are not as good with the T06+L99 which is what Mathias S. found. Could this be a measurement / colour equation problem?
-  Next step is to try the same thing with an L99 detection image on the T06 data.
-  In parallel, Yuliana will look at the illumination correction using all L99 data as function of position in MegaCam.

Ultra-VISTA (Henry, Patrick, Yannick, Yuliana)

-  Henry presents stastics on the images. All the images have been graded by Yannick.
-  The recent developments in Youpi done by Mathias M. are indeed very useful for Ultra-VISTA data
-  Do we use 0.8 / images ?
-  Fynbo Need to discover what we need do with the Fynbo data [update: Yannick has found out. We need the 1.0 data]. Patrick and Yannick are still confused on the what we should do now. Need specific meeting with Henry, Patrick, Yannick.
-  Three questions: timescale for data product delivery / image selection
-  VIKING data: need to see what VIKING data is available for the W1. Patrick will take over.

NGVS / Amadine (Patrick)

-  NGVS stacks were re-done by Patrick (pilot survey and other stacks)
-  DR7 is on the NGVS and will be used for the astrometry.

PI data processing (Yannick)

-  Lehnert / Tom Shanks / Valls Gabaud (DVG):
-  Tom shanks and Lehnert in progress.
-  Kerton WIRCam data : need to check how much work needs to be done. Yuliana and Patrick will look at them and we will decide after.
-  For DVG we need to see if the data is actually available for download or not.

Hardware (Fred)

-  fcix6 still unstable and crashes if you transfer even a small file. The origin of these crashes has been narrowed down but it seems be related to the network card.
-  yannick suggests we start a bid for fcix8 and identify possible credit lines (ANR Roser/Yannick + ANR Henry/JP + Terapix reliqua)
-  releasix2 is missing; and we need to reconstruct the machine so we can re-construct the plots and images which were there before, for instance for the tables [update: Yannick has found some of the necessary files]
-  yannix2 almost ready; just need to move the mails; rename yannix as yannix0 and yannic2 as yannix, then can move the computer downstairs.

-  EUCLID announcement of opportunity has come out, deadline is October 29th.
-  LSST mail: quite happy with QualityFITS as a first step then QualityFITS-ng as a second step, but need to move toward something new; suggests we include machine-learning techniques. Yannick has ordered a bunch of books which have arrived.

QualitfitsNG (Patrick,Fred,Mathias)

-  Identified libraries which will be necessary for QualityFITS-ng.
-  Need to identify clearly what the inputs to each of the libraries will be.

-  Next meeting:

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