Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Adding a node
by LDO - Updated September 1st, 2005

To add a node to spica :

-  Add a new entry in the ClusterNode dbspica table (fill DataPath also).
-  Go to the new node and mkdir DataPath (/data/mix/raid/processing/ here).
-  Copy spica in /usr/local/spica/
-  Install the perl module : Astro-LibWCS, SAX (found in /usr/local/spica/install/)
-  Check dbspica can be accessed from this new mode (alter privilege table).
-  dbclient2 (depracated) : no more used.
-  copy configuration files for spica in /usr/local/etc/spica
-  modify scripts to take into account DataPath (some node have two raids /raid1/, /raid2/, other only one /raid/, others /raid/ and /raid2/ !).

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