Position of the targets


PI: Y. Mellier
Co-I: F. Bernardeau, M. Dantel-Fort, T. Erben, B. Fort, B. Jain, R. Maoli, P. Schneider, L. van Waerbeke

The VLT Key Project aims at measuring the variance of the convergence on scale smaller than 5 arcmin. The goal is to obtain constrains on the cosmological parameters Omega, sigma_8 and lambda, from weak lensing produced by large-scale structures. The VLT project focusses on non-linear scales (below 5 arcminutes), in contrast to the wide-field part of the project (UH8K, CFH12K, WFI and MEGACAM).

From the observational point of view, it consists in

  • 50 empty fields observed on the VLT/UT1 with FORS1 in I-band, randomly selected, each of them separated by more than 1 degree. Regions with brights stars or bright galaxies have been avoided;
  • each individual field covers a field of view of 6.8'x6'8'. The total area is 0.5 degree dispached in 2 sub-areas which spread over more than 100 square-degree;
  • the exposure time per field is 36 minutes segmented in 6 exposures of 6 minutes each in order to ease cosmic-ray suppression and superflat. The expected limiting magnitude per field is 24.6 which permits to reach a galaxy number density of 30/arcmin^2. 
Data and progress report: The design of the survey and the strategy of the observations are based on the ESO NTT Key project that we finally submitted as a normal programme on the VLT, in service mode. This should in principle garantees that the whole data set are within our specifications: seeing <0.8" . We choose the I-band filter in order to minimized atmospheric dispersion. First exposures taken during the Science Verification phase have shown that the I-band images have no fringes. 
The programme was sheduled during the observing period P63 (April to September 1999; proposal 63.O-0039A) on UT1/FORS1 and was 75% successful. 

The VLT-Descart Scientific results:
  1. A&A 368, 766 (2001): "Cosmic Shear Analysis in 50 Uncorrelated VLT Fields. Implications for Omega_0, sigma_8 by R. Maoli (IAP, Obs. de Paris, La Sapienza, Rome), L. van Waerbeke (IAP), Y. Mellier (IAP, Obs de Pa ris), P. Schneider (Univ. Bonn), B. Jain (JHU), T. Erben (IAP, MPA), B. Fort (IAP)