Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Specific software installation
by FMA - Updated November 23rd, 2007

-  pgplot: same as on clix, except for the environnement variables:

[root@clix softs]# cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs
[root@clix softs]# wget ftp://ftp.astro.caltech.edu/pub/pgplot/pgplot5.2.tar.gz
[root@clix softs]# tar xzvvf pgplot5.2.tar.gz
[root@clix softs]# mv pgplot pgplot5.2
[root@clix softs]# cd pgplot5.2
[root@clix pgplot5.2]# mkdir /usr/local/pgplot
[root@clix pgplot5.2]# cp drivers.list /usr/local/pgplot/
[root@clix pgplot5.2]# cd /usr/local/pgplot/
[root@clix pgplot]# vi drivers.list      # Uncomment:
GIDRIV 1 /GIF       GIF-format file, landscape
GIDRIV 2 /VGIF      GIF-format file, portrait
NUDRIV 0 /NULL      Null device (no output)
PNDRIV 1 /PNG       Portable Network Graphics file                    C
PNDRIV 2 /TPNG      Portable Network Graphics file - transparent background C
PPDRIV 1 /PPM       Portable Pixel Map file, landscape
PPDRIV 2 /VPPM      Portable PIxel Map file, portrait
PSDRIV 1 /PS        PostScript printers, monochrome, landscape  Std F77
PSDRIV 2 /VPS       Postscript printers, monochrome, portrait           Std F77
PSDRIV 3 /CPS       PostScript printers, color, landscape               Std F77
PSDRIV 4 /VCPS      PostScript printers, color, portrait                Std F77
TTDRIV 4 /GTERM     GTERM Tektronix terminal emulator                   Std F77
TTDRIV 5 /XTERM     XTERM Tektronix terminal emulator                   Std F77
XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW   Workstations running X Window System                C
XWDRIV 2 /XSERVE    Persistent window on X Window System                C
[root@clix pgplot]# /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opteron/pgplot5.2/makemake /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opteron/pgplot5.2 linux g77_gcc
[root@clix pgplot]# vi makefile     # png dependencies problem: remove line 886
pndriv.o : ./png.h ./pngconf.h ./zlib.h ./zconf.h
[root@clix pgplot]# make
[root@clix pgplot]# make clean
[root@clix pgplot]# make cpg
[root@clix pgplot]# mkdir /usr/local/include
[root@clix pgplot]# cd ../include/
[root@clix include]# ln -s ../pgplot/cpgplot.h .
[root@clix include]# cd ../lib
[root@clix lib]# for lib in libcpgplot.a libpgplot.a libpgplot.so; do ln -s ../pgplot/$lib  .; done
[root@clix lib]# cd ../bin/
[root@clix bin]# ln -s ../pgplot/pgxwin_server .
[root@clix root]# ldconfig
[root@clix root]# /usr/local/pgplot/pgdemo1
  • copy on nodes
    [root@clix local]# for i in `seq 9`; do rsync -e ssh -av pgplot root@pix${i}:/usr/local/; done
    [root@clix local]# rshp $NKA -- 'cd /usr/local/include; ln -s ../pgplot/cpgplot.h .; cd ../lib; for lib in libcpgplot.a libpgplot.a libpgplot.so; do ln -s ../pgplot/$lib  .; done; cd ../bin/; ln -s ../pgplot/pgxwin_server .'
    [root@clix root]# mput $NKA -- /etc/profile.d/pgplot.csh /etc/profile.d/pgplot.csh
    [root@clix root]# mput $NKA -- /etc/profile.d/pgplot.sh /etc/profile.d/pgplot.sh
    [root@clix root]# gexec -n 0 ldconfig

mix1 pgplot # cat /etc/env.d/99pgplot
mix1 pgplot # env-update

-  cdsclient-2.7 cf. website

# wget http://vizier.u-strasbg.fr/viz-bin/ftp-index?/ftp/pub/sw/cdsclient.tar.gz
# tar tvvf ftp-index\?%2Fftp%2Fpub%2Fsw%2Fcdsclient.tar.gz
# mv ftp-index\?%2Fftp%2Fpub%2Fsw%2Fcdsclient.tar.gz cdsclient-2.84.tar
# gzip cdsclient-2.84.tar
# mv cdsclient-2.84.tar.gz cdsclient-2.84.tgz
# tar xzvvf cdsclient-2.84.tgz
# cd cdsclient-2.85/
# ./configure; make; make install

-  Manu's softs

Now use rpms from /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opteron/rpm/ with option --nodeps.

# cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opteron/rpms
# rpm -i --nodeps scamp-1.3.0-1mp.x86_64.rpm
# rpm -U --nodeps scamp-1.3.0-1mp.x86_64.rpm

-  Mesa, gsl (OK, now is standard distribution), fftw2 (needed for PDL)

# ll /usr/portage/sci-libs/fftw/
# emerge -va =fftw-2.1.5-r1

-  plplot

# wget http://belnet.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/plplot/plplot-5.3.0.tar.gz
({{mix3}}: # wget http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/plplot/plplot-5.3.1.tar.gz)
# tar xzvvf plplot-5.3.1.tar.gz
# cd plplot-5.3.1
# patch -p1 < ../plplot-5.3.1_tpx2.patch
# ./configure --disable-python --disable-java --disable-octave --disable-tcl --disable-itcl --disable-cxx --disable-f77 --disable-drivers --enable-png  --enable-jpeg --enable-mem --enable-null --enable-pbm --enable-ps --enable-psc --enable-xfig --enable-xwin --disable-cgm --disable-dg300 --disable-gnome --disable-hp7470 --disable-hp7580 --disable-lj_hpgl --disable-imp --disable-linuxvga --disable-ljii --disable-ljiip --disable-ntk --disable-tek4010 --disable-tek4107 --disable-mskermit --with-pthreads --disable-dynamic --disable-dyndrivers
# make
# make install

-  cfitsio

[root@clix softs]# wget ftp://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/software/fitsio/c/cfitsio2490.tar.gz
[root@clix softs]# tar xzvvf cfitsio2490.tar.gz
[root@clix softs]# mv cfitsio cfitsio2490
[root@clix softs]# cd cfitsio2490
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# vi fitsio2.h
#define DBUFFSIZE 288000 /* size of data buffer in bytes */
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# ./configure --prefix=/usr/local
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# make
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# make shared
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# /bin/cp libcfitsio.a libcfitsio.so /usr/local/lib/
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# /bin/cp fitsio.h fitsio2.h longnam.h drvrsmem.h /usr/local/include/
[root@clix lib]# ldconfig
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# make imcopy fitscopy
[root@clix cfitsio2490]# /bin/cp imcopy fitscopy /usr/local/bin/

  • copy on nodes:

[root@clix cfitsio2490]# rshp $NKA -- 'cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs/cfitsio2490; /bin/cp libcfitsio.a /usr/local/lib/libcfitsio_2490.a; /bin/cp libcfitsio.so /usr/local/lib/libcfitsio_2490.so; /bin/cp imcopy /usr/local/bin/imcopy2490; /bin/cp fitsio.h fitsio2.h longnam.h drvrsmem.h /usr/local/include/; cd /usr/local/lib/; ln -s libcfitsio_2490.so libcfitsio.so; ln -s libcfitsio_2490.a libcfitsio.a, cd ../bin; rm -f imcopy; ln -s imcopy2490 imcopy'
[root@clix root]# gexec -n 0 ldconfig

-  wcslib

# wget ftp://ftp.atnf.csiro.au/pub/software/wcslib/wcslib.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf wcslib.tar.gz
# cd wcslib-3.6/C
# vi Makefile
 CFLAGS := -O -fPIC  # for opteron only !
# FLAVOUR=Linux make
# gcc -shared -o libwcs.so *.o
# mkdir /usr/local/include/wcs; cp *.h /usr/local/include/wcs; cp -p libwcs.a libwcs.so /usr/local/lib
# rshp $NKA -- 'cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs/wcslib-3.6/C; mkdir /usr/local/include/wcs; cp *.h /usr/local/include/wcs; cp -p libwcs.a libwcs.so /usr/local/lib;'

Starting at version 4.2, additionnal modifications:

# vi config.status
s,@CFLAGS@,-g -O2 -fPIC,;t t
# vi GNUmakefile
          ./configure --no-create
# vi C/GNUmakefile
       cd .. && ./config.status
# for file in  *.l; do mv -vi ${file%l}c ${file%l}c.OLD; done
# for file in *.l; do flex -o${file%l}c -P${file%.l} $file; done
# make
# gcc -shared -o libwcs.so *.o
# mkdir /usr/local/include/wcs; cp *.h /usr/local/include/wcs;
# cp -p libwcs.so /usr/local/lib; cp -p libwcs-4.2.a /usr/local/lib/libwcs.a


The -fPIC is for opterons only (needed to compile LibWCS).

# wget http://tdc-www.harvard.edu/software/wcstools/wcstools-3.6.2.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf wcstools-3.6.2.tar.gz
# cd wcstools-3.6.2
# vi libwcs/Makefile
# make all
# cp -pvi $PWD/wcstools $PWD/bin/* /usr/local/bin/

-  perl modules: list to install

gentoo packages:

  • XML-NamespaceSupport
  • XML-Simple
  • SOAP
  • SOAP-Lite
  • DBI
  • dev-perl/DBD-mysql

hors gentoo:

  • Astro-WCS-LibWCS
  • wcstools
  • Term-ReadLine-Gnu

-  Astro-WCS-LibWCS

By giving the 'LDDLFLAGS' flag to MakeMaker, this removes -L/usr/local/lib, thus will not see the more recent and incompatible wcslib. If the files already exist, make install does not overwrite them.... So better remove them before installation.

# wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PR/PRATZLAFF/Astro-WCS-LibWCS-0.90.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf Astro-WCS-LibWCS-0.90.tar.gz
# cd Astro-WCS-LibWCS-0.90
# export WCSTOOLS=/home/nis/root.nis/softs/x86/wcstools-3.6.2
# export WCSTOOLS=/home/nis/root.nis/softs/opteron/wcstools-3.6.2
# vi Makefile.PL
'LDDLFLAGS' => '-shared',
# find /usr/lib/perl5/ -name LibWCS.bs -or -name LibWCS.so -or -name LibWCS.pm -exec rm -v {} \;
# perl Makefile.PL; make; make install
# rshp $NKA -- 'cd /home/nis/pipeline/wcs/Astro-WCS-LibWCS-0.90; make install'

-  Astro-FITS-Header (for PDL)

# wget http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/A/AA/AALLAN/Astro-FITS-Header-2.8.1.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf Astro-FITS-Header-2.8.1.tar.gz
# cd Astro-FITS-Header-2.8.1
# perl Makefile.PL; make; make test
# make install


# wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/P/PR/PRATZLAFF/Astro-FITS-CFITSIO-1.03.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf Astro-FITS-CFITSIO-1.03.tar.gz
# cd Astro-FITS-CFITSIO-1.03
# perl Makefile.PL; make; make test
# make install


For (PGPLOT-2.18): edit Makefile.PL, and add -lz -lpng to LIBS: line 36:

'-L/usr/openwin/lib -L/usr/X11/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lX11 -lz -lpng '.

For (PGPLOT-2.19): edit Makefile.PL, and add -lz -lpng to LIBS: line 65:

qw/ pgplot cpgplot z png /,

# perl Makefile.PL; make; make test; make install
# rshp $NKA -- 'cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs/PGPLOT-2.18; make install'

-  Term-ReadLine-Gnu (for PDL)

# wget http://search.cpan.org/CPAN/authors/id/H/HA/HAYASHI/Term-ReadLine-Gnu-1.16.tar.gz
# perl Makefile.PL; make; make test
# make install

-  PDL: require: plplot, pgplot, Astro-FITS-Header

use perldl.conf with the following additions (to be put in /usr/portage/dev-perl/PDL/files/perldl.conf):

WITH_PLPLOT          => 1,      # Build PLPLOT interface
       WHERE_PLPLOT_LIBS    => '/usr/local/lib',     # here is the PLplot lib dir
       WHERE_PLPLOT_INCLUDE => '/usr/local/include/plplot', # here is the PLplot include dir

       WITH_GSL => undef,    # Leave it up to PDL to decide
       GSL_LIBS => undef,
       GSL_INC => undef,

       WITH_FFTW => undef,    # Leave it up to PDL to decide
       FFTW_LIBS => ['/usr/lib'],
       FFTW_INC => ['/usr/include'],
       FFTW_TYPE => 'double',

       WITH_IO_BROWSER => 1,

-  CCfits

Cf. CCfits homepage.

# wget http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/fitsio/ccfits/CCfits-1.3.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf CCfits-1.3.tar.gz
# mv CCfits CCfits-1.3
# ln -s CCfits-1.3 CCfits       ### badly needed !!
# cd CCfits-1.3
# ./configure
# make
# make install
# ar rv libCCfits.a .libs/*.o
# cp libCCfits.a /usr/local/lib/libCCfits.a

-  fitsverify

# wget http://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/docs/software/ftools/fitsverify/fitsverify.tar
# export FITSVERIFY_VERSION="4.12"
# mv fitsverify.tar  fitsverify-${FITSVERIFY_VERSION}.tar
# tar xvvf fitsverify-${FITSVERIFY_VERSION}.tar
# mv fitsverify fitsverify-${FITSVERIFY_VERSION}
# cd fitsverify-${FITSVERIFY_VERSION}
# gcc -o fitsverify ftverify.c fvrf_data.c fvrf_file.c fvrf_head.c fvrf_key.c fvrf_misc.c -DSTANDALONE -L. -lcfitsio -lm -lnsl
# cp fitsverify /usr/local/bin/

-  WIFIX (old and probably obsolete)

-  needed for WIFIX:

  • cfitsio (+ make fitscopy + install in /usr/local/bin)

mix2 cfitsio2490 # make fitscopy; cp fitscopy /usr/local/bin/

  • pgplot

# pgperl:
# perl -MCPAN -e shell
# install PGPLOT
# install Astro::FITS::Header
# install Astro::FITS::CFITSIO
# install String::Approx

  • cdsclient

# emerge -v Tie-IxHash TermReadKey

  • WIFIX_Distrib_1.1a/ExtLibs/MyCode/vfitscopy.c :

mix2 MyCode # gcc -o /usr/local/bin/vfitscopy vfitscopy.c -I/usr/local/include -lcfitsio -lm

  • toFITS2d.c : not present in distrib...
  • WIFIX itself:

# cd WIFIX_Distrib_1.1a/Pipe/PP

    • in Pfit/Makefile.PL nFtrans/Makefile.PL Astrom/Makefile.PL, add -fPIC in compilation options in sub MY::postamble

# perl Makefile.PL; make; make install
# vi Astrom/astrom : removes PATH using $bin ($bin/../cds/bin/findpmm2 ...)

< my $findpmm="findpmm2 ";
> my $findpmm="$bin/../cds/bin/findpmm2 ";
<   if (uc($refcoor) eq 'USNO1') {$findpmm="findpmm1 ";}
>   if (uc($refcoor) eq 'USNO1') {$findpmm="$bin/../cds/bin/findpmm1 ";}

# export PERL_DIR=/usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.2/x86_64-linux/  (or 5.8.4 on mix3)
# cp -pr Astrom Photom Swarp Prered $PERL_DIR
# cd $PERL_DIR

    • Replace /usr/local/bin/perl by /usr/bin/perl:

# find Astrom Photom Prered Swarp -type f | xargs egrep -l /usr/local/bin/perl | xargs perl -i -p -e 's,/usr/local/bin/perl,/usr/bin/perl,g'

    • make .pm files visible

# for file in `find Astrom Photom/ Swarp/  -type f -name "*.pm"`; do ln -s $file .; done
# cd /usr/local/bin/
# ln -s $PERL_DIR/Astrom/astrom .
# for p in c2g cmpfits getRMS getUSNO mapfwhm mklist mkrcat; do ln -s $PERL_DIR/Astrom/Tools/$p .; done
# ln -s $PERL_DIR/Swarp/mkswarp.pl .
# for p in photcal photgui photom; do ln -s $PERL_DIR/Photom/$p .; done

-  Mario's patches: before to copy new versions of files to $PERL_DIR/ : # vi Astrom/astrom : removes PATH using $bin ($bin/../cds/bin/findpmm2 ...)

-  after update of perl:

# /usr/portage/dev-lang/perl/files/libperl_rebuilder
and re-install "a la mano" packages

-  fv

# cd /usr/local/
# wget ftp://heasarc.gsfc.nasa.gov/software/lheasoft/fv/fv42_pc_linux.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf fv42_pc_linux.tar.gz
# cd bin
# ln -s ../fv4.2/fv .
# cat > /etc/env.d/99fv
# env-update

-  skycat

# wget ftp://ftp.eso.org/pub/archive/skycat/skycat-2.7.3-Linux-2.4.9-21.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf skycat-2.7.3-Linux-2.4.9-21.tar.gz
# cp skycat-Linux-2.4.9-21 /usr/local/bin/skycat

with version 3.0:

# emerge -uva dev-tcltk/iwidgets dev-tcltk/itcl blt

-  ds9

# wget ftp://sao-ftp.harvard.edu/pub/rd/ds9/linux64/ds9.linux64.4.0b2.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf ds9.linux64.4.0b2.tar.gz
# mv ds9 /usr/local/bin/

-  sm (SuperMongo)

sm2_4_27 # ./set_opts
sm2_4_27 # for i in copyright.h options.h fonts.h sm_declare.h devices.h tty.h stdgraph.h raster.h dummies.h; do ln -s src/$i .; done
sm2_4_27 # vi options.h
sm2_4_27 # make
sm2_4_27 # make install

For terminal compatibility: copy the file termcap (available in the sm distribution) in /usr/local/lib/sm/termcap and add to /usr/local/lib/sm/.sm the line termcap         /usr/local/lib/sm/termcap

-  gaia

Get archive file from http://www.starlink.rl.ac.uk/cgi-store/storeform2?GAIA, and rename it with its version number. Installation is really not straightforward !!

# mv storeform2ahdlr gaia_archive-v2.8-0
# sh ./gaia_archive-v2.8-0
source dir: /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opterons/gaia-2.8-0
stop at "Do you want to continue with the build/installation now?"
# cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opteron/gaia-2.8-0
# for dir in esp extractor gaia htx init kappa photom polpack; do cd $dir; tar xzvvf *; cd -; done
# echo x86_64_Linux > .BUILT
# for dir in esp extractor gaia htx init kappa photom polpack; do cp .BUILT $dir/; done
# find . -name mk | xargs perl -i -pe 's/ix86_Linux/x86_64_Linux/'
# ./star_build gaia
install dir: /usr/local/gaia
# vi /etc/env.d/99gaia
# env-update

-  topcat

# wget http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/topcat-full.jar
# wget http://www.star.bris.ac.uk/~mbt/topcat/topcat
# chmod 755 topcat
# mv topcat-full.jar topcat-full.jar-v2.2
# mkdir /usr/local/lib/topcat
# cp topcat-full.jar-v2.2  /usr/local/lib/topcat/topcat.jar
# cp topcat /usr/local/bin/

-  Config modifée par les autres:

  • JC /usr/local/bin/aclientTerapix.pl for scamp

  • JC: /var/spool/pbs/sched_priv/sched_config J'ai mis load_balancing a TRUE

  • Lolo: Pour autoriser les machines externes a se connecter sur dbterapix, il faut modifier le fichier de config de mysql /etc/mysql/my.cnf Il faut commenter cette ligne :

#bind-address                           =

/etc/php/apache2-php4/php.ini :

register_globals = On
max_execution_time = 1800
max_input_time = 60

  • JC: Voici les modifs que j'ai fait pour que pbs fonctionne :
    • ajout de commentaires pour ne prendre que les pix de 1 a 5
      more /var/spool/pbs/server_priv/nodes
      pix1.clic.iap.fr np=2
      pix2.clic.iap.fr np=2
      pix3.clic.iap.fr np=2
      pix4.clic.iap.fr np=2
      pix5.clic.iap.fr np=2
      #pix6.clic.iap.fr np=2
      #pix7.clic.iap.fr np=2
      #pix8.clic.iap.fr np=2
      #pix9.clic.iap.fr np=2
      #pix10.clic.iap.fr np=1

    • Ensuite sur chaque noeud, changement de la valeur pour le clienthost :
      pix1:(17:12)~> more /var/spool/pbs/mom_priv/config
      # MOM server configuration file
      # if more than one value, separate it by comma.
      ## rule is defined by the name
      # $ideal_load 2.0
      # $max_load 3.5
      ## host allowed to connect to Mom server on unprivileged port
      #$restricted pix1.clic.iap.fr
      ## log event :
      # 0x1ff log all events + debug events
      # 0x0ff just all events
      $logevent 0x0ff
      ## host allowed to connect to mom server on privileged port
      $clienthost clix
      ## alarm if the script hang or take very long time to execute (sec)
      $prologalarm 30

  • JC: modif du fichier sudoers pour snooppix :
    pipeline,pipeline ALL=NOPASSWD:/usr/local/etc/snooppix/init.d/snooppixd stop,/us
    r/local/etc/snooppix/init.d/snooppixd start,/usr/local/etc/snooppix/init.d/snoop
    pixd status


# cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opterons/iraf
# wget ftp://iraf.noao.edu/pub/xgterm.fedora
# chmod 755 xgterm.fedora
# cp xgterm.fedora /usr/local/bin/xgterm

adduserNIS iraf
su - iraf
ls -l distrib.files
total 153048
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 21681093 Feb  5  2004 as.pcix.gen.tgz
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 20280568 Feb  3  2004 db.rhux.x86.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 73516671 Jun 13  2003 guiapps.tar.Z
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 13544131 Feb  4  2004 ib.rhux.x86.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 root root 19103763 Feb  3  2004 nb.rhux.x86.gz
drwxr-xr-x  20  359  112     4096 Sep 29 16:14 x11iraf
-rw-r--r--   1 root root  3790042 Aug 16  2002 x11iraf-v1.3.1-src.tar.gz
-rwxr-xr-x   1 root root  4783618 Jul 27 21:45 xgterm.fedora
mkdir iraf
cd iraf
tar xzvvf ../distrib.files/as.pcix.gen.tgz
cd ..
mkdir -p irafbin/bin.linux
cd irafbin/bin.linux

-  cosmix2 installation ifc, icc and mkl

  • wget ...
  • put licences files in right place (/opt/intel/licenses): # scp -pr cosmix2:/opt/intel/licenses /opt/intel/
  • vi install_cc.sh install_fc.sh s/-U/-U --nodeps/
  • licence files:
    • ifc: /opt/intel/licenses/l_N136-11859343.lic
    • icc: /opt/intel/licenses/l_N116-88545181.lic
  • # ./install.sh ((deprecated) answer: 1, 1, enter, accept, enter, accept, enter(default), -U --nodeps, 2, enter(default), -U --nodeps, enter, x)
  • make binaries, libraries and man pages visible
    # vi /etc/env.d/99ic
    # vi /etc/man.conf
    MANPATH /opt/intel/cc/9.0/man
    MANPATH /opt/intel/fc/9.0/man
    MANPATH /opt/intel/idb/9.0/man
    # vi /etc/portage/profile/package.provided
    # env-update

On Mandriva (e.g. lensing): use install.sh, then

# echo /opt/intel/fortran91/lib >> /etc/ld.so.conf
# ldconfig
# vi /etc/profile.d/ifc.csh
setenv IA32ROOT /opt/intel/fc/9.1.036/
setenv INTEL_FLEXLM_LICENSE /opt/intel/fortran91/licenses
setenv ROOTPATH $IA32ROOT/bin

setenv PATH $IA32ROOT/bin:$PATH
if ($?MANPATH) then
 setenv MANPATH ${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man:$MANPATH
 setenv MANPATH ${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man

if ($?INCLUDE) then
 setenv INCLUDE $IA32ROOT/include:$INCLUDE
 setenv INCLUDE $IA32ROOT/include

# vi /etc/profile.d/ifc.sh
export IA32ROOT=/opt/intel/fc/9.1.036/
export INTEL_FLEXLM_LICENSE=/opt/intel/fortran91/licenses
export ROOTPATH=$IA32ROOT/bin

export PATH=$IA32ROOT/bin:$PATH
if [ "x$MANPATH" = "x" ]; then
 export MANPATH=${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man:$MANPATH
 export MANPATH=${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man:${IA32ROOT}/man

if [ "x$INCLUDE" = "x" ]; then
 export INCLUDE=$IA32ROOT/include:$INCLUDE
 export INCLUDE=$IA32ROOT/include

  • mkl: the default install.sh does not use --nodeps
    # ./install  -> extract intel-mkl-7.2p-8.i386.rpm in /tmp/mkl
    # rpm -U --nodeps intel-mkl-7.2p-8.i386.rpm

-  ldacpipeline

  • Modify scripts/pipe_install/install.sh
    # needed directories

    # needed programs/scripts not included in the
    # pipeline distribution

  • Upgrade scripts/Makefiles and environment variables:
    # scripts/pipe_install/install.sh
    # source scripts/pipe_install/pipe_env.bash

  • Remove all former binaries:
    find . -type d -name obj_Linux | xargs rm -rf

  • Compile:
    for dir in library libcpp fitsutil ldactools/common ldactools/tools associate/new astrom/new flips/common flips/tools imageheader imcatutils lensing/imcat lensing/psfcorrection make_ssc/new photom/new select_overlap sets/new sex/fitslimits utilities ; do
     cd $dir;
     make clean

cd scripts
for file in ./lensing/kaiser_ldac.sh ./others/astrometrix2ldac.sh ./others/context.sh ./others/astrometrix2imageheader.sh; do perl -i -pe 's/\/freeware//'; done
find . -name "*.sh" -exec ln -s {} . \;

# cat /etc/env.d/99ldacpipeline

-  ganglia

# vi /etc/conf.d/net
# for ganglia packets: do command `route add -host dev eth1`
routes_eth1=( "-host dev eth1" )

# vi get_context.php  line 117
if (!$sort)
     $sort = "by hostname";
*  file get_context.php line 100, add:
  case "hour":  $start = -3600; break;
  case "3hours":  $start = -10800; break;
  case "6hours":  $start = -21600; break;
  case "12hours":  $start = -43200; break;
  case "day":   $start = -86400; break;
  case "3days":   $start = -259200; break;
  case "week":  $start = -604800; break;
  case "month": $start = -2419200; break;
  case "3months": $start = -11138400; break;
  case "year":  $start = -31557600; break;
  case "3years":  $start = -94672800; break;
*  file get_context.php line 126, add:
# default graph size
$size = "small";
* file header.php line 244, add:
* file cluster_view.php line 211: remove  height=112 width=225 to have:
              "alt=\"$host\" border=0></a></td>";
* file cluster_view.php line 195: change small to $size:
                 $graphargs .= "z=$size&amp;c=$cluster_url&amp;h=$host_url"
* file templates/default/header.tpl line 8, add:
<link rel="icon" href="favicon.png" type="image/png">

-  gexec

# wget http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ganglia/libe-0.2.2.tar.gz
# wget http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ganglia/authd-0.2.1.tar.gz
# wget http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/ganglia/gexec-0.3.4.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf libe-0.2.2.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf authd-0.2.1.tar.gz
# tar xzvvf gexec-0.3.4.tar.gz
# cd libe-0.2.2
# ./configure; make; make install
-> /usr/local/lib/libe.a
-> /usr/local/include/e/*
cd ../authd-0.2.1
# ./configure; make; make install
-> /usr/local/lib/libauth.a
-> /usr/local/sbin/authd
-> /usr/local/include/auth.h
# cd ../gexec-0.3.4/
# ./configure; make; make install
-> /usr/local/bin/gexec
-> /usr/local/lib/libgexec.a
-> /usr/local/sbin/gexecd
-> /usr/local/include/gexec_lib.h
-> /etc/xinetd.d/gexec
# vi /etc/init.d/authd
# Copyright 1999-2005 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $

depend() {
       need net

gen_keys() {
       if [ ! -f /etc/auth_priv.pem ] ; then
               openssl genrsa -rand 15000 -out /etc/auth_priv.pem >&/dev/null
               chmod 600 /etc/auth_priv.pem
               openssl rsa -in /etc/auth_priv.pem -pubout -out /etc/auth_pub.pem >&/dev/null

start() {
       ebegin "Starting authd: "
       gen_keys || return 1
       start-stop-daemon --start --quiet --exec /usr/local/sbin/authd -- -d
       eend $? "Failed to start authd"

stop() {
       ebegin "Stopping authd: "
       start-stop-daemon --stop --quiet --exec /usr/local/sbin/authd
       eend $? "Failed to stop authd"

# chmod 755 /etc/init.d/authd
# rc-update add authd default
#/etc/init.d/authd start
# echo "gexec   2875/tcp       # Caltech gexec" >> /etc/services
# /etc/init.d/xinetd restart
# for m in mix1 mix2 mix3 mix4 mix5 mix6  dbterapix ftpix fcix; do echo $m; scp -p /etc/auth_p*.pem $m:/etc/; done
# for m in mix1 mix2 mix3 mix4 mix5 mix6  dbterapix ftpix fcix; do echo $m; ssh $m  'echo "gexec   2875/tcp       # Caltech gexec" >> /etc/services'; done
# for m in mix1 mix2 mix3 mix4 mix5 mix6  dbterapix ftpix fcix; do echo $m; ssh $m  /etc/init.d/xinetd restart; done
# for m in mix1 mix2 mix3 mix4 mix5 mix6  dbterapix ftpix fcix; do echo $m; ssh $m 'cd /home/nis/root.nis/softs/opterons/ganglia/libe-0.2.2; make install; cd ../authd-0.2.1/; make install; cd ../gexec-0.3.4/; make install; cp /home/nis/root.nis/fred/opterons.config/etc/init.d/authd /etc/init.d/authd; rc-update add authd default; /etc/init.d/authd start; '; done

-  PBS pro

-  clix:

  • 1. Server, execution and commands
  • host id: 39c228dd
  • licence: L-00002-05279-5690-AkXhL8kNcJ-W3V-agt-TerapixTeam

# rc-update add pbs default
# vi /etc/env.d/99pbspro
# vi /etc/man.conf
MANPATH /usr/pbs/man

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