Minutes for TERAPIX meeting 1 October 2013 Present: Patrick H, Henry, Nawfel, Olivier
Find out what the status of the TODO list for TERAPIX2 from the service info. (Patrick) Get PUMAs for credits 2013 (Fred) Finish installing JIRA (Fred) Investigate ESO observing logs for stripe 82 (Nawfel) Download VIKING data which covers CFHTLS-wide as a means to do a test processing. Write documentation for consortium UltraVISTA release (Henry)
Status of ongoing PI data.
Henry: What PI software is in the queue at TERAPIX? Patrick responds that he had bought a licence for the 'JIRA' software but is still waiting for fred to install it. This software allows to have a system of tickets. Most of the PI projects are small sized. NEW VIRCAM data from pagani.
Stripe 82 data (Nawfel)
for certain images there are problems with too many negative pixels. they seem to be images which were taken under bad observing conditions, they have flag C. Can these images be found in the observing logs? can continue with groups which are not problematic. are stripe 82 data coverage continuous? Is this observing strategy the same as the previous data?
UltraVISTA DR2 processing (Henry)
headers will be updated with Johannes Zable in Copenhagen Clotilde l. will help with catalogue extraction / validation of DR2 images need to prepare documentation for next consortium release (14 october)
All VIKING data Ks downloaded to TERAPIX reduce a small amount of VIKING data 3 deg^2 try to get all the data on the CFHTLS wide and compare with CASU processing.
TERAPIX Cluster status
problem with ftpix needs to be resolved. (update it is resolved
TERAPIX 2 status
hope is that new cluster will be ready for end of the month, but there is still a long list of things to do.
installation of 3 servers 1u using external hard disk 2 severs 2u fcix10, fcix11
installation condor and user accounts. No feedback from service info. carte 10 G ? Agreed that 10G are not interesting for all the machines for the time being. machine with lots of ram reboots often: need to sort this. Have 25,000 euro tp spend before the end of the year on new hardware for TERAPIX2, several options were discussed.