Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Friday 21st October 2005
by HJMCC - Updated October 23rd, 2005

Minutes for the terameeting of 21st October 2005 Present: Henry, Emmanuel, Yannick, Laurent, Chiara, Jean-Christophe, Mireille

Status T0003 (Laurent)
-  Laurent distributed before the meeting a summary describing the current status of the release (included below). In principle, Mireille, Yannick, Henry can start grading the QFITs-in data.

-  Unless major problems occur, STEP1 should be finished by the beginning of November. However, the new SExtractor bug prevents sending catalogues to CADC now.

-  Jean-Christophe should not copy any QFITS-in data to the output bays.

SExtractor bug:

-  8500 ldac catalogues were created which have problems in certain error measurements ERRA/B/THETAWIN_IMAGE are zero

-  SExtractor has been patched to fix this bug, but these ldacs will need to be regenerated with the latest version of sextractor.

-  We will start this process at the end of the processing.

-  Emmanuel will to patch SCAMP so that it can correctly handle this kind of input

-  Laurent will start making his first tests of STEP2 with SCAMP and SWarp next week

Project management and testing (all)

-  Emmanuel's bug was not found until several weeks after the release was started
-  How can we better monitor the output of the pipeline in order to correct problems in a shorter timescale?
-  It is suggested that we have test dataset (e.g, 10 images in i* , 10 in u*) in the w1 field can be used as test data for the entire processing chain. The RunID will be changed as TERATEST.
-  The results of processing these images will be compared to the previous runs to locate any potential problems
-  A version of SPICA with reduced functionality will be supplied to Emmanuel for testing.

SCAMP (Emmanuel): Outstanding problems

-  SCAMP doesn't handle correctly objects with zero positional errors (like those produced by the buggy version of SExtractor).

-  In order to have clearer plots, Emmanuel will label the CCDs on the distortion grid plot generated by SCAMP.

-  In the Tully PI data there are many, many faint sources which have small errors, and SCAMP cannot find a good astrometric solution; one possible solution is simply to raise the S/N threshold. Mireille will try this next week on Tully data.

-  Management of photometric errors between images with different depths also needs to be investigated

-  Managing unstable focal planes (generation of .ahead); one possible solution could be also to use several reference catalogues

-  Generation of .ahead files: there are some images with wrong astrometric; perhaps we can use data from multiple filters to better constrain the astrometric solutions

WIRCAM (Chiara)

-  There was a bug in SWarp which mean that the test images which were produced by Chiara were in fact not weighted. The re-processing using the right weighting scheme is under way by Chiara.

-  Star-galaxy separation using selection in (J-K) colour seems to work pretty well.

-  The images are very shallow, hopefully deeper data will be soon available.

Web-services (Jean-Christophe)
-  A lot of work still required to make the QF web-services AVO compliant

-  Yannick suggests that JC makes a trip to Strasbourg to try to resolve this problem as quickly as possible. He reminds Jean-Christophe the dead line for delivery is Nov. 15.

Mathias Schultheis (Yannick)

-  Matthias will be responsible for the inter-calibration of the wide survey fields under the direction of Henry. He will start working on T0003 wide release immediately.

-  Matthias will only be able to make three trips to Paris before the end of this year; these dates will be defined with Henry.

-  Matthias will be added to the Teralist mailing list and will provided with an account on Terapix clister once the final agreement between IAP/Terapix and the Observatoire de Besancon is signed.

Hardware (Emmanuel, Yannick)

-  The desktop machines from Agorus have still not been delivered, they should be delivered the start of next week. They are very slow!

-  The motherboard of mix7 is still not ready, and we have no definitive delivery date for this machine;

-  Several disk failures: 250-GB Serial-ATA (mix1); brownie (fc3/fc4) 250 GB maxtor also failed

-  Not sure if we have the delivery records for these disks

-  mix2 had to be rebooted yesterday probably due to xfs error (according to the dmesg)

-  mix5 has crashed once during a SWarp

-  mix4 has has crashed twice in the last month

Astro-wise (Emmanuel, Yannick)

-  Anis should start the 4th November; try to arrange a meeting on Thursday with Emmanuel and Yannick

-  15, 16, 17 of November there is an Astro-Wise workshop at Leiden

-  Emmanuel will be there on 15th, 16th (astrometric solutions); Yannick will be present 17th

-  Valentijn has proposed to give an Oracle licence to TERAPIX in return for processing data; we would need to dedicate a TERAPIX machine to this processing. This would also need a standard operating system like Redhat. This could be advantageous for TERAPIX (from a funding point of view) but we need to make sure we know how much work it will be...

-  Next tera-meeting: Oct. 28, room 281.

Petit bilan : (from Laurent)

-  8700 images sont passees dans QFITS, soit 2000 de plus que la semaine derniere.

-  sur ces 8700, presque 1000 sont des donnees PI (soit 10%).

-  Le taux de QFITS est d'environ 400/jour

-  Tous les pix ont quasiment termine leur QF PI (ce qui explique le taux de QF plus bas).

-  Sanders est en attente de reprocessing au CFH.

-  1470 images sont en attente de validation (soit 15%).

-  Il reste encore 700 images dans datatransfer pour le run 04AL

-  A ceci s'ajoute 750 images nouvelles du run 05BL

-  En cours : mix3 (1000 images) + mix4 (650 images) + mix6 (620 images) : 2300 images

-  Duree estimee de la fin des QF : 15-20 jours.

-  Le temps moyen d'un QFITS sur les pix est de 50 minutes, de 20 minutes sur les mix

Anomalies detectees :

-  SPICA est reste bloque sur mix3 (merci Manu) : cause inconnue.

-  Arret de SPICA du au CDS non accessible => QFITS patche.

-  des images ont ete transferees plusieurs fois sur plusieurs nodes differents ou sur un meme node. (ceci signifie que certains RunID sont partages sur plusieurs machines).

-  en consequence, la disposition des donnees sur le cluster est sub-optimale.

-  SExtractor 2.4.4 mis a jour sur le cluster par Emmanuel . Besoin d'une rustine pour recalculer tous les ldac precedemment generes.

-  scp defectueux sur certains QFITS (70 sur 8000 soit 1%) : nettoyage effectue + SPICA corrige.

Previsions pour la semaine prochaine :

-  Re-activer le mode reprocessing des QFITS dans SPICA

-  Premier stack de test sur des donnees d'un meme RunID splittees sur plusieurs nodes (jamais teste auparavant).

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