Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the Monday Sept. 5 Webservice meeting
by YME - Updated September 5th, 2005

Teraminutes for the Monday Sept. 5, 2005 Webservice meeting

Present: Jean-Christophe (star of the Day) , Chiara, Laurent, Emmanuel, Yannick, Henry

-  JC : status of the Webservice project: presentation ppt ou pdf

-  Then describe the remaining tasks for the coming month:

Encoding and testing the two main applications of the WS Dead line Sept. 22
Writting the Webservice client Dead line Sept. 25 (estimated)
Web interface development/testing Dead line Sept. 28 (estimated)
Writting the poster for the ADASS meeting Dead line Sept. 30 (estimated)

-  However, there is an urgent need to install PBS again (not in the cluster anymore since the clix2/clix installation). Urgent action for Fred.

-  In order to have something more fancy and user friendly for the JC's ADASS demo, JC will implement the following in the CGI interface:
-  - Installation of a Qfits-meter that will show the Qfits steps done, on going and pending
-  - Installation of a rough remaining time estimate

-  In addtion, JC will add in the Web interface a menu that offers 3 options for the wget query back to the users: (1) get the FITS weightmap images, (2) get the LDAC Qfits catalog, (3) get all the Qfits meta-data .

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