- Updated September 2nd, 2005
Minutes for the Terameeting of August 26th 2005.
Present: Yannick, Fred, Mireille, Anthony, Emmanuel, Henry
QualityFITS: Fred
Bachall and Soniera stellar count model almost implemented in Qualityfits; still (l,b) measures to get
XWIN_IMAGE, YWIN_IMAGE now used in Qualityfits
parallelisation of QF still in progress
Status of SWarp, SExtractor and SCAMP: Emmanuel
Emmanuel working of the line-mixing problem that only occurs with the MULTI_THREAD>1 option. Hopefully, the bug in parallel version of SWarp will be fixed with the new version of Valgrind which works on 64 bit machines
It's not clear yet that for the new T0003 release the problem of the outlying CCDs (CCDs with WCS totally wrong) has been fixed. It could be that we will have to fix these headers manually. The FIX_FOCALPLANE option in scamp doesn't quite work.
Henry will try to investigate why this fix doesn't work with Fred. Around 10% of the images are affected by this problem. This translates into 50 nights lost (over 500 CFHTLS nights) , not acceptable.
Other matters
Machine learning in EYE still has to be re-done to correctly remove the cosmic rays
Small meeting on Monday to decide which parameters to propage by SWarp to fine (Mireille, Henry, Fred, Laurent, Emmanuel). Mireille will propose a list of parameters that will be discussed by email prior to meet.
Hardware status: Fred
clix2 is almost ready to be used as clix: we will see soon.
test GENTOO installed pix8, then duplicate on other pix's
waiting from agorus for the commands in progress
Licence for PBS pro have arrived, we have one week
mix6 network problems fixed by Fred just after this meeting.
mix6 is a machine owned jointly by TERAPIX and EFIGI
unfortunately the cash for this credit line
8000 euro MDA
1000 euro
Total :42,000 euro INSU/CNRS 15/Novembre 15/December.
Could be 32 000 Euros left to spend on machines before the end of the year. No decision before we have confirmation by Delphine that we do still have 32,000 on Terapix credit lines for hardware. If confirmed, then we envision to cancel the 10,000 Euros EFIGI-->TERAPIX transfer and order another mix using EFIGI credits directly.
At least to personal computers for Emmanuel and Yannick can be ordered asap.
Absences: September / October
Yannick is worried that there will be not enough people at TERAPIX to monitor the machines at the start of October. Fred and Laurent will prepare a cookbook that permits any of us to manage the computing facilities, the pipeline and the data base(s) even in case of most common crashes.
PI data
Tullly, Sanders, Seymour most urgent.
Classifications of Objects
PCA test classification shown by Anthony which has been coupled to a neural network
80% recovery with respect to existing classifications.
Emmanuel and Yannick will classify these galaxies by eye over the week end.
Other matter
PFI deadline 5 September. Need to have a document ready by mid of next week at the latest in order to get feed back from Valerie Bona/ Laurent Vigroux in case modifications are needed.
Cron job runs on clix each ten minutes: needs to check this out.