Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2002 CFHT
Data size
Numbers and sizes in terapix
by GTI - Updated March 8th, 2004

Observational Data Summary Table

per Night per Run per Year per Survey whole Project
Opt.1 Opt.2 Opt.3
Obs. Data Total  320 Gb  5 Tb 15 Tb 52 Tb 70.5 Tb 43 Tb 200 Tb
Science 144 Gb  1.5 Tb  4.4 Tb 16 Tb 20.5 Tb 13 Tb 55 Tb
Image Nb. Total 220 3300 10000 36300 48900 29700 150000
Science 100 1000 3000 11000 14000 9000 40000
Night Nb. total - 16 48 240 290 180 900
science - 10 30 150 180 111 550
Run Nb. - 3 15 18 11 20
Year Nb. - 5 6 4 6/15 ?

Image Size and Numbers

Image size : 1.44 Gb (Gigabyte)

Image quantity : one image takes approximately 4-5mn (6mn for mean time of telescope per exposure over the 5 bands, at least 3mn exposure + 20 s readout + offset/pointing) => 100 scientific images in 8 hours.
-  per year. It is assumed that 3 runs per year will be devoted to a survey => 10 000 images.
-  per survey (for 5 colors) :

  • option 1 : shallow : limiting magnitude (point source) = 24. : Area = 1000 square degree => 36 300
  • option 2 : deep : limiting magnitude (point source) = 25.5 : Area = 100 square degree => 49 000
  • option 3 : very deep : limiting magnitude (point source) = 27. : Area = 4 square degree => 30 000

-  whole project : 150 000 (3 surveys + pointed mode which will produce as much data as one survey). Must be completed in approx. 5 years.

Object Numbers and >Database Size

Each square degree, corresponding to one camera field, will generate for each type of survey, at least the following amount of data in the database :
-  shallow : limiting magnitude (point source) = 24. => 600 Mbytes
-  deep : limiting magnitude (point source) = 25.5 => 2 Gbytes
-  very deep : limiting magnitude (point source) = 27. => 11 Gbytes

Then, the whole DB size for the considered survey areas covered, will reach  1 Terabyte !

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