Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
How to create News elements in any section
by GTI - Updated December 1st, 2004

V 4.00 and above

In the web sites, news are always attached to a sector (a section of first level under the root, as "Activities" or "Participants"). There is no way to create "News" element elsewhere.

Nevertheless, there is a trick to emulate news in a given section, named S1 for example. With a subsection named "News" inside S1, S1 web page will present an additionnal "Latest News" zone.

This zone will list the five last elements of the "News" subsection, which of course are articles (since it is not possible to have news in a subsection).

Then, any article created in this "News" subsection is considered as a news element for section S1.

These special "news" items will only appear in the "Latest News" zone of the parent section S1. They will not be reported in upper levels (for example, in section S0, the parent section of S1).

A click on the "News" link in the subsection zone of S1 will have the standard output of a section (all the articles in this section).

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