Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Article with many images
How to write it quickly ?
by GTI - Updated January 20th, 2004

When you have to write a long article including many images, for example a table containing thumbnails slides for a talk, rather than uploading each image individually with the "add an image/upload" function, you can upload all images at once by FTP.

We will work on a slides-article example.

In order to do this, two directories have been created and opened on the pipeline account on the terapix.iap.fr machine :
-  /var/www/cplt/oldSite/SlidesTerapix (for Terapix talks)
-  /var/www/cplt/oldSite/SlidesAll (for slides on not Terapix talks)

You can create in one of these directories, depending on your subject, a sub-directory for your talk, e.g. CFHTLS_20040115. Then, you transfer your images into this directory.

In your article, you can use the following syntax to refer to your image, e.g. Slide01.jpg :

<img src="cplt/oldSite/SlidesAll/CFHTLS_20040115/Slide01.jpg" title="Slide 1" alt="Slide 1" />

It is less convenient than the usual <img1> syntax (moreover, you will not be able to automatically add a legend under the image), but much more efficient when you have dozens of pages !

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