Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
How to create links inside elements
by GTI - Updated December 1st, 2004

V 4.00 and above

1. Hypertext links

You can easily create a hypertext link with the following code: SPIP is an initiative of [minirezo->http://www.minirezo.net/] which becomes "[SPIP is an initiative of minirezo".

The link's URL can be absolute (starting, as in this example, with http://), relative (to another page of the same site), a link to a document using an internet protocol (ftp://...) an e-mail address ([->mailto:minirezo@rezo.net])...

2. Hypertext links inside the site

Furthermore, this same hypertext links system makes it easy to create links inside your site with SPIP.

The only trick consists of finding the number of the article or the section or the news item to which you want to link: when you visit an article, a news item or a section in the private area, the left column contains a box indicating this number in large digits.

This is the number that you should insert in the hypertext link:

link to article 342 (4 possibilities):
-  link to [article->342]
-  link to [article->art342]
-  link to [article->article 342]
-  as for [->art342], it will display the title of article 342 with a link to that article.

link to section 12:
-  link to [section->rub12]
-  link to [section->rubrique 12]

link to news item 65:
-  link to [news item->br65]
-  link to [news item->breve 65]
-  link to [news item->brève 65]

See this help page for more complete information on SPIP shortcuts.

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