- Updated May 28th, 2009
Minutes for the Terameeting of 13th of May 2009
Present: Yannick, Mathias M., Patrick, Greg, Fred, Henry, Yuliana
Summary document circulated by Yannick before the meeting
T06 (Yuliana, Yannick, Mathias M.)
Yuliana: 1100 new megacam images, 6400, 669 images are missing on fcix5. The images which are missing are pre-survey images. Only part of the images have been ingested into Youpix .
2,400 are not yet qualityFITSed in Youpi.
Yuliana has a clean list with all the grades; when there are multiple lists always prefers the most recent grades.
There are 80 phometric images missing.
The contents of mix21 will copied to fcix5; although doubts remain about the reliability of the new raids on fix5 we really have no other option choice.
Wircam operations (Patrick, Henry)
D3 WIRDS images have been QFITSed.
The hole in the photo-zeds seems to be coming from a problem in one of the amplifiers which only is most prevalent in the r/z band
This hole needs to be flagged for the future.
WUDS. all images have been sky-subtracted and graded.
there are large sky-gradients in H
Patrick thinks that perhaps a sky-gradient should be subtracted; another possible solution is to reduce the number of images
initial Scamp and Swarp finished?
Question for Patrick: is there still crosstalk?
One Dubus pointing has been reduced; four pointings have been reduced.
For Soucail data automatic steps have been carried out.
Youpi (Mathias, Greg)
Many problems have been caused by migrating to a different version of Django and changes to the Django API. Most of these have been fixed.
Mathias demonstrates how permissions and tags are being incorporated in Youpi. Only the owner can change the permissions.
Other matters:
New SExtractor has been tested by Henry, and some initial results have been demonstrated. the new SExtractor can do automatic disk/bulge decomposition. More tests need to be made with HST images. Running this code on all COSMOS tiles will require new version of PSFex to be installed on the cluster.
Development (Patrick, Fred):
Patrick talks about developments in sky background subtraction, and examination of the program from Leila; it could be quite a lot of work to finish this code.
Flex/Bison still under investigation.
QualityFITS now inco with package config.
QFITS still being modified to use to new version of PSFex.
QFITS on SVN can only be installed on fcix5.
Hardware: (Fred)
We need to have the new nodes installed in the cluster next week so we can start T0006 as soon as possible. A pressing demand for the new 64-GB RAM mem. mix node for the W1 and W3 fields.
These new nodes will have the latest of qualityFITS installed.
Deadline: machines copied and installed by Monday. We will have a meeting with Fred to discuss the status of the hardware installation on Monday.
3ware tells us that the desktop drives in fcix5 are not supported by their raid cards (this is the first time the manufacturer use this)
Seagate are working on the disk firmware updates: no idea when this will be ready.
48 keur available for computers.
New machines yannix2 should be ordered.
Need to decide soon what machines to order because of the long lead time with the puma commands.
Mathias has supplied the Condor community patches so the code can compile correctly under free-BSD.
Other matters:
Catherine Grenet will join TERAPIX to participate in the "DADA" ("Dark Energy data") phase 0 definition.
Fred will order a mini-DVI adapter for Mathias M.