Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Thursday 27th of March, 2009
by YME - Updated April 12th, 2009

Minutes for the terapix meeting of March 27th 2009.

Present: Fred, Greg., Henry, Mathias M., Mathias S. (by videoconferece),Yannick, Yuliana

Yannick's summary document

Youpi testing / bug fixing (Yuliana, Mathias M., Greg, Yannick

-  Many bugs have been fixed in the last week thanks to Yuliana.
-  QualityFITS ingestion and processing step finished OK.
-  ".ahead" production not implemented in Youpi yet; for the time being we will just make it possible to supply a path to where the .ahead files are located (they will be generated outside Youpi)
-  Yuliana has problems with settings and window testing. It seems to be a problem with KDE / gtk libraries on her desktop. Focus is grabbed by radio boxes.
-  Yannick will make some tests with Youpi to see if these problems are reproduced on his desktop.
-  For certain options instead of opening a new tab Youpi opens a new window. After this happens you cannot go back to the previous page (quite annoying)
-  Yuliana and Yannick would like to have information whether or not a certain image has been graded; this information is important for subsequent processing. Yannick would like to have also the statistcis of graded images on top.
-  Also an image selector needs to be made for SWarp (currently cannot make this selection).
-  Youpi configuration file [for SCAMP] is currently just the output of -d when it should be -dd; this needs to be changed.
-  An image selector needs to be added which can select which images can be swarped.
-  Youpi can also optionally generate processing reports; this functionality is however not urgent for the time being.
-  A need to add a delete button to Youpi to remove old runs which have been processed.
-  Yannick suggests that Mathias M. comes to the IAP for one week to particpate in the learning Youpi and then testing / preparing T06 (difficult to participate actively from Besancon). Mathais S. will set the visit with Yuliana.

Youpi developement (Greg, Mathias)
-  Image selector improved and is now very fast; can select thousands of images immediately
-  Home page redesigned.
-  Request from Greg for changes to Condor-transfer.pl to properly handle dual-image mode; apparently it's almost done.
-  Also Greg wants to know what we should use for the default.param; Henry directs him to use the default CFHTLS parameter set.

WIRCAM data processing (Patrick, Henry)
-  Nebular field from Bouvier fully processed.
-  Second Bouvier run stacked using global astrometric solution computed from scamp using input source cleaned of saturated objects. Final processing postponed because of the crash on mix20.
-  Request from Lodieu almost processed; request was to stack p images and not s.
-  Stripes are present in some data and a script has been tested and implemented to remove them. This seems to work quite well.
-  Laskar data has been and sky subtracted.
-  07BC23 data still in progress; images missing at the CADC have been recovered from the PI archive.

Hardware (Fred)
-  Hardware problems with mix10
-  System disk on mix10 changed but unfortunately when the rsync was started the cluster network script crashed.
-  fcix5 installation is done; there are problems with the automounting /NIS.
-  Unfortunately zfs has very poor performance under Linux (it runs in "userland"); however could be useful for backup and archival runs because of automatic checksumming of all files.
-  zfs under Linux is not really supported by sun (Fred attended a meeting organised by sun).
-  standard mix computers will be installed later [when?]
-  9 keur received specifically for NGVS (virgo survey). computer: minimum requirement 10tb x 32 GB x 8 cores. Should be possible in a 2u config.
-  mix20 fixed

Development of image manipulation tool
-  This tool should support simple image operations (image arithmetic?).
-  Try to make a list of requirements for the tool; this requirement list should be fixed next week.
-  Send all suggestions to Yannick before Wednesday.
-  Many things are possible but of course we have to be pragmatic)

-  Requirements (in progress, based on input from everyone):

-  Work on FITS images and work on pixels (not WCS)
-  Handle simple FITS and MEF
-  Handle input image list
-  Basic operations between 2 images or indise one image: * , - , * , / , log() , absolute value
-  Boolean and conditional operations on images
-  Basic statistics in boxes: number of pixels, mean, standard deviation, histogram of pixel value
-  Box properties: size, shape (square, rectangle, circle)
-  Compute basic flux inside an aperture
-  INTEGER-2-FLOAT / FLOAT-2-INTEGER image transformation

Oher matters
-  Mathias M. will organise a Bugzilla workshop next week so that people learn how to submit bug reports.

Next terameeting:

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