Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2002 CFHT
CFHTLS 2005 workshop: May 26-27, 2005
Last content update May 26th, 2005

To offer to the CFHTLS users an opportunity to share their experience with the CFHTLS data and their first scientific analysis, and to provide SAC with an opportunity to meet CFHTLS users, CFHT is organizing a workshop in Paris (IAP) just before the SAC meeting on May 26 and 27.

No pdf files of presentation have been archived at CFHT. However, a large fraction of talks has the content as those given during the February 2005 meeting. Slides are avaiable at the CFHTLS users meeting Feb. 2005 .

CFHTLS 2005 workshop (to CFHT pages)

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