Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2002 CFHT
Meeting agenda : sent to SG
by YME YME - Updated January 29th, 2005

The agenda was sent to SG by email. Modifications still possible even during the meeting, if necessary.

SG members:

-  Herve Aussel (F.)
-  Ray Carlberg (C.)
-  Jean-Charles Cuillandre (CFHT)
-  JJ Kavelaars (C.)
-  Yannick Mellier (F., Terapix)
-  Chris Pritchett (C.)
-  Annie Robin (F.)
-  David Schade (C., CADC)
-  Genevieve Soucail (F.)


-  Patrick Petitjean (SAC chair)

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