This article contains :
the matlab script to convert an image from cartesian to polar coordinates (gal2pol.m)
a set of images in polar coordinates (polarPGC-1.3.tar.gz)
a set of cleaned images in polar coordinates (polarCleanedPGC-1.3.tar.gz)
The global process was the following :
sexfigi was used to fit profils for the galaxies.
centers of galaxies were computed within a pixel using the profil maximum value.
science images were translated according to these center.
for the second subset, nfigi was used to proceed to an agressive cleaning
the matlab function gal2pol was used to convert images into polar coordinates. Origin of the polar system is the center of the image in the cartesian system.
images are saved as fits file of 360x360 pixels, log(rho) along X-axis and theta along Y-axis