- Updated June 9th, 2005
Teraminutes for Thursday May 6th 2004
Absent: Gerard, Anthony
Scamp (Emmanuel:)
Emmanuel has not yet looked at the messages sent to the TERALIST about the various problems encountered in running SCAMP.
Yannick mentions that pix2 and mix2 give different results.
Yannick would like to have a display of the astrometric residuals as a function of position; but for Emmanuel the priority is to fix bugs rather than to add extra functionality.
Emmanuel would like someone to swarp images where the astrometric solution provided by scamp is good.
Processing status (Mireille, Henry Chiara)
Mireille showed several results on W1, Pre-W1. She also processed Pre-W2. Results are good on average but hadr to fnd complete set of data on each patch once selection criteria adopted to fill the specs are done. Only W3 has a complete sub-area done, so far. The rest of W1 images put recently on disks and have not been used yet.
We've had many problems with the dead CCD#03. Astrometrix/photometrix does not correctly handle the situation where there are variable numbers of extensions. CCD#03 must be removed from *all* pointings, even for cases where it works fine. Chiara and Henry have had the same problem with D1.
Henry showed a 'test swarp' of D2, the virmos F02 field, demonstrating excellent image quality over the entire field.
QualityFits (Fred)
Problems with wrong CRVALS in weight-maps sorted out;
Still problems with imagemagick for certain images.
Transfer of data (weight maps and qualityFITS pages) to the CADC
This should start early next week, once the problems with the Class C images have been resolved. Jean-Christophe and Fred will manage this.
Skywatcher (Jean-Christophe)
Yannick showed plots made with Jean-Christophe's program, showing the location of all the fields currently loaded in the database. TERAPIXians are invited to suggest options for the program.
Spica (Laurent):
Laurent has installed the skyprobe evaluation. All images will have a skyprobe value based on a median value estimated from a 5-points median estimate. Still part of skyprobe data set missing. Input from CFHT needed.
High level quality assessments progressing. Laurent still waiting for ldac tables from Fred. Completness limits done.
Laurent will Qfits the 250 class-C data this week end.
Modifiying astrometrix (Fred, Mireille):
How can we run astrometrix without the fits files?
Fred has written an ldac-splitting program.
Reading ldac files generated by quality fits in astrometrix (Mireille, Fred): Not clear yet if it this will work; Mireille has not had time to test this fully. It seems that even if we supply the ldac files to astrometrix, it will *still* need a list of fits files.
We will ask Mario if he can modify astrometrix to deal with the case where there are already ldac files generated.
Panier, dbclient (Laurent, Fred):
No progress, Gerard worked on AVOCAT during this week.
What processing tasks can be carried when we are in Canada?
There are 100 u* cosmos images to process. There is also Veronique
Cayatte FLAMES data is on 5 DLTs (around 100 images); Gilles will read this data onto the incoming fibre channel data array. During the next few weeks Gilles will investigate computing an astrometric for the Dougados images.
Panorapix (Fred)
we need to send a 'roadmap' to astro-wise folk before we go to Canada.
We should order the gigabit switch and cables before departure to Canada; we will defer purchasing another computer until our return.
Panorapix (Fred);
we need to send a 'roadmap' to astro-wise folk before we go to Canada.