Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Thursday 6th May 2004
by HJMCC - Updated June 9th, 2005

Teraminutes for Thursday May 6th 2004

Absent: Gerard, Anthony

Scamp (Emmanuel:)

-  Emmanuel has not yet looked at the messages sent to the TERALIST about the various problems encountered in running SCAMP.
-  Yannick mentions that pix2 and mix2 give different results.

-  Yannick would like to have a display of the astrometric residuals as a function of position; but for Emmanuel the priority is to fix bugs rather than to add extra functionality.

-  Emmanuel would like someone to swarp images where the astrometric solution provided by scamp is good.

Processing status (Mireille, Henry Chiara)

-  Mireille showed several results on W1, Pre-W1. She also processed Pre-W2. Results are good on average but hadr to fnd complete set of data on each patch once selection criteria adopted to fill the specs are done. Only W3 has a complete sub-area done, so far. The rest of W1 images put recently on disks and have not been used yet.

-  We've had many problems with the dead CCD#03. Astrometrix/photometrix does not correctly handle the situation where there are variable numbers of extensions. CCD#03 must be removed from *all* pointings, even for cases where it works fine. Chiara and Henry have had the same problem with D1.

-  Henry showed a 'test swarp' of D2, the virmos F02 field, demonstrating excellent image quality over the entire field.

QualityFits (Fred)

-  Problems with wrong CRVALS in weight-maps sorted out;
-  Still problems with imagemagick for certain images.

Transfer of data (weight maps and qualityFITS pages) to the CADC

-  This should start early next week, once the problems with the Class C images have been resolved. Jean-Christophe and Fred will manage this.

Skywatcher (Jean-Christophe)

-  Yannick showed plots made with Jean-Christophe's program, showing the location of all the fields currently loaded in the database. TERAPIXians are invited to suggest options for the program.

Spica (Laurent):

-  Laurent has installed the skyprobe evaluation. All images will have a skyprobe value based on a median value estimated from a 5-points median estimate. Still part of skyprobe data set missing. Input from CFHT needed.

-  High level quality assessments progressing. Laurent still waiting for ldac tables from Fred. Completness limits done.

-  Laurent will Qfits the 250 class-C data this week end.

Modifiying astrometrix (Fred, Mireille):

-  How can we run astrometrix without the fits files?

-  Fred has written an ldac-splitting program.

-  Reading ldac files generated by quality fits in astrometrix (Mireille, Fred): Not clear yet if it this will work; Mireille has not had time to test this fully. It seems that even if we supply the ldac files to astrometrix, it will *still* need a list of fits files.

-  We will ask Mario if he can modify astrometrix to deal with the case where there are already ldac files generated.

Panier, dbclient (Laurent, Fred):

-  No progress, Gerard worked on AVOCAT during this week.

What processing tasks can be carried when we are in Canada?

-  There are 100 u* cosmos images to process. There is also Veronique
-  Cayatte FLAMES data is on 5 DLTs (around 100 images); Gilles will read this data onto the incoming fibre channel data array. During the next few weeks Gilles will investigate computing an astrometric for the Dougados images.

Panorapix (Fred)
-  we need to send a 'roadmap' to astro-wise folk before we go to Canada.


-  We should order the gigabit switch and cables before departure to Canada; we will defer purchasing another computer until our return.

Panorapix (Fred);
-  we need to send a 'roadmap' to astro-wise folk before we go to Canada.

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