Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Thursday 23th December 2004
by ABA - Updated July 5th, 2005
Main subjects were :
-  Defectix status
-  SCamp status
-  QFits status
-  mix4 stability

Presents: Frederic, Emmanuel, Anthony, Gilles, Yannick
Absents: Gerard, Jean-Christophe, Henry, Laurent, Mireille

Meeting interests

Data release
-  current state: QualityFITS pipeline running, SPICA waiting for Qfits inputs that feed DBSpica and DBterapix prior to continue the T0002 release process.
-  expected release date: 01/15/05

-  current version: 0.42-MP
-  current version release date : 12/18/04
-  current status: Running on T0002
-  current work:

1) Bug correction : statistics computation are now good, uncorrelated fields SCamped either on one single data set or in two separated SCamp runs provide same results (Mireille's bug report).

2) CDS: the goal is to load and save astrometric catalogues in a format compatible with SExtractor. SCamp produces FITS header output files with updated WCS astrometric data but not calibrated catalogues. It would be possible to update input catalogue to output enhanced catalogues. Problems: only RA-DEC catalogues can be treated. Next options: select astrometric reference system and equinox attahced to it ?

3) Plot enhancement. 2D histogram postscript files contain too many sources to be readable. This is not a priority and could not be done for next release.

-  next release date before end of december 2004: star selection from S/B criteria
-  new queries:
Possibility to choose photometric parameters
Possibility to select a limited number of sources as input data
Documentation after T0002 release

-  current version: Never released
-  current version release date : -
-  current status: Running on T0002
-  current work: -
-  next release date: ?
-  new queries:
Write a documentation and configure a package to release the software.

-  current version: 0.9.0
-  current version release date: 07/02/04
-  current state: Coding and testing
-  current work:
A demonstration was done during the Terameeting.
Anthony explains how to use configuration files to simulate defects, train a network and finally create masks. Images of masks were shown and a training using priors was running at the time of the meeting.
Priors have been added to the code and should be tested.
-  next release date: 12/27/04
-  new queries:
Treatment parallelisation while computing masks.
Installation of a stable version of defectix on mix1 for test by Terapix members. Next release will be installed next monday.

-  current problems:
mix4 stability
power supply
-  current works:
mix4 stability. mix4 is relatively stable when using system disks. But it crashes when the 3ware card is in use.
According to Emmanuel tests, electric power supply is very stable and the opteron architecture should not be the problem.
If it is a hardware problem, it could come from the motherboard or from RAM. Test: Remove some RAM to configure mix4 like mix3 and test mix4 again.
If is is a software problem, it could come from the configuration. It seems that the USB2 module is unstable. Test: uninstall USB2 module and test mix4 again (most recent news: still unstable ).
-  solved problems:
Power supply. cosmix/mix3/mix4 converter has been plugged on a 30mA SI circuit breaker. Everything seems to work.
-  new queries:
mix4 tests are a priority for next week.
Mappix data must be archived to remove the computer from the rack.
There will soon be no more place to install new computers. This problem should be considered after T0002 release. Gilles will backup ALL disks attached to DIGITAL computers, DIGITAL computers will be removed from TERAPIX network by beginning of 2005.

Undiscussed subjects

-  current version: 2.15-MP
-  current version release date : 12/18/04
-  current status: Running on T0002
-  current work:
coding a better modelisation of the background.
resampling MEF outputs to reduce the number of descriptors.
PSF homogenization

-  next release date: ?
-  new queries:
update after T0002 release to manage SIP format and XML output.

-  current state: Not much progress. Anthony is working on a basic software to play with fits images, like rotating, scaling and translating objects.
Emmanuel should install and update some softwares next year (SkyMaker, SkyStuff and SPRed).

Unchanged softwares

-  current version: 2.3.5
-  current version release date : 12/16/04
-  current status: Running on T0002
-  current work: -
-  next release date: -
-  new queries: -

-  current version: 1.0
-  current version release date : 01/12/04
-  current status: Running
-  current work: None
-  next release date: None
-  new queries: None

-  current version: Not released yet
-  current version release date : None
-  current status: Coding
-  current work: Coding
-  next release date: ?
-  new queries: -

-  current version:
-  current version release date : None
-  current status: Coding
-  current work:
-  next release date:
-  new queries:

-  current version: 4.0.0 beta
-  current version release date: 12/22/04
-  current status: Testing
-  current work: None
-  next release date: -
-  new queries: -

-  current version: ?
-  current version release date: ?
-  current status: Running
-  current work: -
-  next release date: -
-  new queries: -

-  current version: 1.6
-  current version release date: 11/12/04
-  current status: Running
-  current work: None
-  next release date: None
-  new queries: None

-  current version: 1.15
-  current version release date: 11/12/04
-  current status: Running
-  current work: None
-  next release date: None
-  new queries: None

-  current version: 1.9
-  current version release date: 11/12/04
-  current status: Available
-  current work: None
-  next release date: None
-  new queries: Documentation after T0002 release.

-  current version: 1.8
-  current version release date: 11/26/04
-  current status: Available
-  current work: None
-  next release date: None
-  new queries: None

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