Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Minutes for Terameeting of Friday 16th April 2004
by HJMCC - Updated June 9th, 2005

Minutes for tera-meeting of Friday, 16th of April

Present: everyone.

QualityFITS2 (Fred)
-  New version released and is now running on all images ( 3000). Out of 500 images which have already passed through QF only a few were not correctly processed (due to problems in the initial astrometric solution provided by CFHT).

-  Packaging of qualityFITS nearly ready for AstroWise. Documentation still missing. QF not yet tested on the Opterons.

-  Henry will provide slopes and offsets for number counts calculated from the deep stacks.

Pre-survey (Mireille):

-  Astrometrix seems to give better results with the linear astrometric solution rather than the global astrometric solution; don't know why. Large overlaps should help!

-  Discuss with Emannuel and Yannick and Henry about quality control tools available for examining large images. Really need to try SCAMP with this data.

Practical considerations for mix2/swarp/ presurvey data (Mireille, Henry, Yannick):

-  Mireille will run re-binning operations on pix9 with PIXEL_SCALE = 0.8 to compress the . And will also use mix1 for re-binning operations. (re-binning operations currently totally block the machine for interactive use by other users).

Scamp (Emmanuel):

-  Photometric part nearing completion. Photometric images must be identified (Boolean keyword added to header).

-  Working version released to Terapix this weekend.

Skywatcher (Jean-Christophe):

-  XML library integrated. Some problems with packaging (PLPLOT). Better to integrate all lib in the tar file.

Spica (Laurent):

-  Completeness calculation simulation is being integrated into the output quality assessment step. This is based on adding simulated stars to a sub-section of the output image (for the moment we'll just use the centre of the image) using a script provided by Henry.

-  Implementation of high-level quality control tools should be done as follows: first those that need only data from one filter, then those that need two filters, then 3 filters.

Dbclient2 (Laurent/Gerard)

-  As discussed previously, testix will be used to run dbclient2 until a more permanent solution can be found. But first Fred will flash the bios.

Avo-cat (Gerard)

-  AVO functionality is being added to SExtractor. This also means possibly adding more information to the photom.param describing the units of each parameter (UCDs). Interface with CDS has to be developed still (cgi).

Defectix (Anthony):

-  Right now must add an extra neural network layer to improve the quality of the output masks, not sure if this can be made in time for the conference in Sorrento. Right now program is being tested with the fake halo generator, but indications are it will work with real masks and real images.

Panorapix (Fred).

-  Need one version of panorapix which has all the functionality of panoqt3 (which can load large images but not MEF files) and panomef (which can load MEF files but not large images). Next: priority to save options (jpeg, ps, eps, etc...) and loading and overlay astrometric catalogs.

Data Sophie Maurogado (Gilles).

-  Application of the photometric solution seems to seems to cause problems for the astrometric solution : suggestion made that this was due to incorrect headers being copies. Gilles will investigate with help from Mireille.

Data processing deep, wide, Cosmos (Henry).

-  Some tests are currently underway to try to understand the best setting for the MESH_SIZE parameters in SExtractor/swarp which seems to affect photometry at the arcminute levels. Unfortunately this also depends on the quality of the flat-fielding (poorly flat-fielded data requires smaller mesh sizes).

Postdoc Laurent Vigroux (Gilles).

-  She will arrive in the next few days, Gilles will provide a desk/terminal. She will be with us for one month.

Next Tera-meeting: 23rd April 2004.

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