Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2002 CFHT
CFHTLS Release T0001
Last content update November 23rd, 2004

Nov. 23, 2004: the first official CFHTLS release T0001 is now available to CFHTLS users

The T0001 release is based on data obtained using the MegaCam instrument, the giant CCD camera mounted at the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. These observations are part of the Canada-France-Hawaii Legacy Survey program that is supported by the Canadian and French agencies. The T0001 release uses CFHTLS data obtained from June 2003 (starting date of the CFHTLS) to July 2004 . It only concerns the four CFHTLS deep fields, known as CFHTLS Deep synoptic D1, D2, D3 and D4. More details about these fields can be found here.

We remind you that the CFHTLS release must not be propagated outside the CFHTLS community, and is only for scientific usage by registered users. If in doubt please consult the CFHT Legacy Survey Data Access Policy on the official CFHTLS web site at CFHT.

Positions of CFHTLS deep fields. The four small filled squares indicate the deep field positions (referenced in yellow as D1, D2, D3 and D4). The violet boxes are the positions of the CFHTLS wide survey areas.

CFHTLS Release T0001: summary table.
CFHTLS Release T0001 explanatory table.
Get the CFHTLS data release T0001 at CADC

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