CFHTLS Terapix T0006 pages. Information about the survey and data products:
GET the official T0006 release explanatory document . This is the only document that describes the release.
Data access, overview, tables and plots CFHTLS T0006 synoptic table . Access to unrestricted data and access points to restricted data at CADC.
Reminder: data distribution policy and acknowledgement: please read this important notice
NEW, June 17, 2010: the CFHTLS T0006 photo-z catalogue (restricted access to CFHTLS registered users). The catalogues are also available at the LAM/VVDS data base (with similar restricted access to CFHTLS registered users).
NEW, June 24, 2010: the CFHTLS T0004 photo-z PUBLIC catalogue (Public worldwide).
Any request or information: please contact