- Updated December 22nd, 2006
Tera-minutes of the September 22, 2006 meeting
Present: Mireille, Chiara, Henry (for part of the meeting), Mathias (by videoconf), Anis (for the start of the meeting), Emmanuel, Fred, Laurent, Yannick
Absent: Anthony
Panorapix (Anis)
Mail from Ed. Valentijn/AstroWise has imposed a deadline that Terapix must produce a working version of Panorapix for the 15 october
In order to fulfill this deadline, the development of the 'textures' based version of Panorapix with OpenGL will be abandonned
Development will be restarted on the 'old' Panorapix (N. de Coussemaker + Fred ) with Qt3/4 and X11. Fred will help Anis in order to speed up and have a tool ready in due time.
This will have the following features: must be able to overlay catalogues
support all FITS images
must be able to intepret WCS info correctly,
save/print into all current format (JPEG, TIFF, PS, EPS, PNG, etc..),
overlay catalogues (P0: catalogues of galaxies ; P1: masks ds9-like)
Packaging : a static version which is portable
Panorapix must be on SVN so we can follow the evolution of the project.
Find and fix the bugs that generaltes "bright pixels"
Documentation in english (Yannick)
QFITS (Fred)
Fred has made a survey of all the diferent versions of QFITS on the cluster with the view to producing an 'integrated' version that is now on SVN
we wish to add functionality which shows sub-images around the image around the stack at full resolution so an assessment of the image quality can be made. Fred will find an intelligent solution that provides high-resolution sub-image without resampling in order to preserve the real noise pattern
Fred installed the new z-count model for galaxies
QFITS is the Fred's top priority task, priori to move to Panorapix. Goal: QFITS ready by Friday Sept. 22, evening.
PI data : WIRCAM (Chiara)
PI data from Alain Omont; reductions are progressing (there was a problem with keyword headers)
Chiara had to change the exposure time headers
Several other runs still to be processed (Bouvier and Simard still to be finished).
priorities: Bouvier then McHardy, then L. Deharveng. Chiara will process Bouvier' data prior to travel to Tucson, using a quick processing scheme that combines her current pipeline model and Loic tricks for the sky background. Should be sufficient for Bouvier' first needs. Chiara will send an email to Jerome Bouvier to explain the details.
Loic has slightly modified his pipeline
Loic now makes the crosstalk correction. Sounds good, but not perfect yet.
Will investigate the possibility of implementing Herve's donut subtraction tool at least in the Loic pre-processing, and possibly in Chiara's pipeline, later.
Mathias will investigate Hyper-z in order to get the effective throuput of WIRCam.
Laurent will install SPICA on mix9 to leave Chiara free to run tests
PI data : Megacam (Mireille, Laurent, Fred, Yannick)
Sanders (06AH18) has now been downloaded to the TERAPIX cluster. Ready for QFITS-in
Kneib (03AF01) : Fred transferred Elixred data from CFHT: 31 images loaded: 4 more than requested in Jonathan Zwart list, but 4 are missing. Yannick will investigate what's going on.
Cowie: still 80 images not Elixired by CFHT, waiting for Kanoa's feed back.
Cowie: Mireille processed the images transferred at Terapix. Stacks look good, QFITS-out and color-color plots as well. One stack shows an offset in RA of approx 0,2" . Emmanuel suggests is may results from the global solution that used the two fields to produce each astrometric solution. Mireille will try another solution using only the fields used for each stack. In any case the present data and metadata will be ftpix-ed for Len Cowie.
Robin (04AF09 and 05AF14): pending, waiting for a new Scamp.
Preparing T0004 (Laurent, Fred, Yannick)
Laurent SNOOPIX-ed 3300 new images. Some are 0-sized images. Need to be investigated (Yannick). Data are on /fc11/from_CADC.
Fred tried to fix the problem on fc4. fc4 data lost. fc3 and fc4 now ready for Terapix usage.
Replication of mix8 configuration on to the cluster: Fred will replicate next Tuesday/Wednesday (Sept. 26-27). perturbations expected during the replication on clix and bdterapix. During these two days, Fred will not work on Parorapix or anything else (except emergency...).
Emmanuel will try to fix the bug found by Pierre Astier on the background estimate from SExtractor prior to start T0004.
Fred's last email regarding the scp may have fix the bug. Laurent will check by running QFITS on the new PI data
SCAMP (Emmanuel)
Good progress on the debugging using Valgrin, interaction with Daniel Durand and others.
Important improvement on the pattern matching step using saturated stars that were rejected before prior to start the astrometry process.
Several other bugs fixed
Emmanuel will focus on three points: SCAMP "scalop" shape, statistics output, VOTable output.
dotproject: (All)
W1 u-band for willot: pending, re-scheduled for October 12.
L02/L05 past Sept. 5, 2005 data: DONE
Replication of mix8 onto the cluster : expected Wednesday Sept. 27
SPIP-1.9: waiting for 2.0 (December)
QFITS: expected today (evening)
Power point presentation 2005 CFHTLS meeting on the web: Yannick's task, not done yet.
SExtractor: simultaneous ASCII+Binary files ,from Laurent request, not done yet. Pending bug on background subtraction on giant image put to high priority for T0004.
SCAMP: in progress
T0003 documentation: Yannick's task, in progress.
W3 advisory: Henry's task, nothing done yet.
EYE retina: pending.
Poster: DONE
USNO-B1 local catalogue: DONE
Next Tera-Meeting: Monday Oct. 2: 10-12 hrs