- Updated December 22nd, 2006
Tera-minutes of the Monday July 24 2006 meeting
Present: C. Marmo, E. Bertin, L. Domisse, M. Schultheis, F. Magnard, Y. Mellier
Absent: M. Dantel, A. Baillard, A. Rojbi, H. McCracken
- SVN: (Emmanuel)
Emmanuel presented the SVN tool to Terapix.
During the demo, a problem was found when Emmanuel tested the copy command : /var space too small. Need to change the disk for a bigger one and/or modify SVN.
During the presentation, the problem of securing external backups was adressed. Fred will create an external backup account ( In the meantime, critical files should be backup on the Mireille's PC that is located outside the IAP building.
- SWarp: (Emmanuel)
Emmanuel found the bug on coordinate transformations and implemented super-galactic coordinates. Yannick will check it works properly now on dust images.
The XML/VOTable outputs are now available with similar Keywords and UCD as for SExtractor.
Still to be done: providing a "true" exposure time for each stack. Computing the sky background (important modification in SWarp, not high priority level; SCAMP has a higher priority).
- SPICA: (Laurent)
First tests with Tully' data on going. 37 SCAMP and 8 SWarp ready. several problems found in the final stacks. The .haed files are ready for the image-by-image process that Mireille will do next week.
Fred is downloading a new USNO-B1 catalogue. One directory seems to be corrupted (/015). Overall, Fred found 3 corrupted directory. Laurent will run SPICA on VW data once the 3 directory be repalced by Fred.
- WIRCam: (Chiara)
Processing the GOODS data (Simard) on going. J-band stacks done. Chiara will deliver the data to Luc Simard prior to leave. K-band stacks will be done next week.
- Hardware: (Fred)
The missing fan in the UPS attached to cosmix machines will be installed today. The configuration and tests of the SNMP boards for the Terapix UPS will be tested this week (dead line: Friday 28). If conclusive, 4 new SNMP boards will be bought and installed on all Terapix UPS.
Automount: running tests on mix8. Nothing conclusive yet. Dead line Friday 28.
It seems the KVM4 mix7 stick is wrong. Need to be checked.
Fred will write a page on the intranet to explain how one can change all critical Terapix pswd.
Mix8 and mix9 are now ready. Chiara will move all WIRCam files from mix7 to mix9 and will check mix7 and mix9 are identical prior to remove all files from mix7.
All backups of mix1 done on mix5 and mix7 will soon be backup at CCPN. A complete list of these backup is available on yannix:/home/mellier/FILE-IN-Mix1-cpMix5Mix7 . Yannick asks to remove all files from mix5:/raid1 and /raid2 in order to leave mix5 for SPICA usage only.
Detection of free space on each partition: need to re-install PERL. Everything ok , otherwise. For Fred: Warning emails should be sent to teraop
Replication to all nodes of the mix8/mix9 installation: Friday August 4.
- Other matters (dotproject): (all)
W1 u-band for C. Willot: pending. Need to give instruction to Laurent for the W1 u-band selection and stacks.
W3 changelogs: must be done by Fred today. Then All deep+Wide T0003 data will be at CADC.
W3 advisory: must be done by Henry.
04AF09: on going. SPICA is running with the new retina. Mathias will check the outputs and will keep inform Terapix.
Tully: on going. image-by-image will be prepared by Mireille next week.
QFITS-out/in: z-band counts. Henry did send the tables to Fred this week. Need to run QFITS-in/out on all z-band data in order to modifiy z-count plots.
Automatic masking of cross-talks : Anthony's tasks in order to use DEFECTIX.
Cleaning web pages: first meeting this afteroon, 4:00 pm.
Posters: Iteractions with COELUM very slow. Their offer is a bit more interesting than Poinot, but it does not include shipment. Indeed, COELUM does not seem enthusiastic. It confirms our past week feeling when Laurent Vigroux, Nicole Blondin , Jean Mouette and Yannick met and decided to move forwards and go to Poinot's option, at least for the urgent need (September).
Next tera-meeting: Friday August 4