Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of July 10th, 2006
by HJMCC - Updated December 22nd, 2006

Teraminutes for the meeting of Jul 10th 2006

Present: Emmanuel, Yannick, Henry, Laurent, Chiara, Fred, Anthony, Anis, Mathias (video-conf)

Absent: Mireille

Web pages for the wide survey(Mathias)
-  Yannick will add these pages to the TERAPIX web pages next week

WIRCcam (Chiara, Henry)

-  Data Lihwai/Simard; QFITS stage has been completed, and Scamp is currently running
-  Some tests have been made with guiding line subtration parameters changed; and now a new SWARP will be made
-  Images have been provided by David Thompson which have been pre-reduced; can these images be stacked with Chiara's pipeline? Thompson does not provide MEF. Chiara will try to use MISSFIT to stick extentions and will check the file names give by Thompson.
-  Henry will make a catalogue with the last stack; it is important to carry out a quality asssessment on this data. color-color plots needed.
-  We need some idea of the quality of the final stack before the COSMOS teleconference this afternoon
-  Somre more planning needs to be done for the upcoming meeting in Hawaii

spica (Laurent)
-  For the very-wide there are two problems:
-  completeness program crashes on some occasions;
-  the local catalogue USNO-B is not the same as the remote catalogue; need to check that the two are coherent

-  PI data Annie Robin (Laurent) : there are some problems with the retina using in EyE; the centres of many stars in the images are 'missing';
-  qualityFITS will have to be run again
-  There are many images for which the stars are out of focus
-  L02/L05 have been quality-FITSed; we should be ready to start the Scamp and SWARP for the release t04
-  Is there is a problem with the megacam.ret using for these QFs (the same which was used for the Annie Robin data)? Yannick asks that the QFs on L02/L05 and on Annie Robin data be re-started with the emmi.ret which has less problems with rejection of 'bad' pixels which aren't really bad.
-  Mathias will ask Annie what should we do for her (partly) defocussed images.

PI Data Brent Tully: Brent Tully would like data stacked in several different ways ('very-wide' like)
-  Laurent indicates that he prefers to make a mode-PI specially adopted for this kind of situation, rather than changing the existing code
-  It seems that this would take too much time; probably best to stack this data manually
-  Yannick and Mireille will copy the files on a mix* and will stack according to Tully non-standard requests.
-  Laurent will run SPICA on Tully data with the current SPICA processing pipeline

SWARP,Scamp, SExtractor (Emmanuel)
-  Emmanuel spent last week on SExtractor, fixed many bugs
-  local background estimation fixed
-  TNX support added
-  display output changed
-  XML support changed and only errors are output to stderr . Emmanuel will include the 100 last warnings in the file.
-  Mode VO added; sextractor should now be VO-compliant
-  'true' ICRS support has to be added to sextractor

Status of machines: (Fred)

-  mix9/mix8 have been test with SWARP extensively (40 iterations completed without crash).
-  Undefined problems with fcix2; not sure if these is a real problem as the error messages are not consistent: alarms "raid2 degraded", "error on controlor 2, port 4,5,6,7".
-  mix8/mix9 should be added to the cluster at the 13th
-  Fred would like to update the kernel version on the system. It will be done, once mix8/mix9 and efigix be installed, on all nodes and with Laurent in order to updates the data bases.
-  Fred will change the motherboard in mix1 to see if the machine can
-  Tests will be made on gigabit connection today at midday

dot-project summary
-  W3 advisory will be sent
-  CFHTLS u/z counts in qualityFITS add by henry
-  IMPORTANT: password codes will be set aside by Fred this evening
-  Chiara, Fred and Yannick will meet on July 17 to organise QFITS releases and further developments: documentation, SVN, high-res. sub-area, etc...
-  Laurent will prepare a "pedagogical" presentation of SPICA data bases and organisation; Fred will do a similar presentation of the cluster.
-  Poster: Yannick and Jean-Charles Cuillandre in touch with Coelum. But no feed back since last Thursday. Yannick, laurent Vigroux, Jean Mouette and Nicole Blondin have another option to print 200 posters of one deep field with Poinot. Emmanuel will provide a poster of one deep field with IAP logo added and will send all logos to Jean Mouette. In a second stap, Emmanuel will add the IAP logo to the 3 other deep field images/. Yannick will then order a print run of each deep image.

Panorapix: (Anis)
-  Work has started on texture buffering for the very large images
-  Large textures should be ready for the 17 July
-  anis is on vacation for two weeks at the end of July and will prepare a status report for Yannick to present at the AstroWISE meeting in Leiden for the 2nd-3rd of August

Next tera-meeting: Monday 17th July 2006

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