Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Friday October 20, 2006
by YME - Updated December 22nd, 2006

Tera-minutes of the October 20, 2006 meeting

Present: Mireille, Laurent, Henry, Yannick, Fred

Absent: Anthony, Chiara, Emmanuel, Anis, Mathias

This is a very short tera-meeting. Anis is off because he must renew his "carte de travail". Demo on Panorapix late in the afternoon.

PI Programs : Megacam + WIRCam

-  03AF01 (PI: Kneib): last stacks almost done, several questions asked by Jonathan about to be answered.

-  Data PI 03AH51, 03BH33, 03BH95, 04AH33 not yet transferred to Terapix. *p.fits Elixired images do not exist for several of these RunID; Fred will ask Kanoa whether he coud Elixir them. Mireille will likely process these data from Santiago.

-  COSMOS u-band: Henry stuck because the matching with an internal catalogue takes for ever. Henry will try a magnitude cut on the reference image in order to reduce the number of objects in the reference catalogue.

-  WIRCAM-Cosmos: Herve Aussel and Henry found a simple way to re-scale each WIRCam chip. It seems to work well. Henry will write a report on this to all (in particular for Chiara) in order to try to implement this in the WIRCam pipeline.


-  Still waiting for 06B data: according to Jean-Charles 06B data were already sent to CADC and should be there. However Fred, Herve Aussel, JJ Kavelaars cannot find any using CADC query pages. CADC is supposed to work on this issue, but no feed back yet. Fred sent an email this morning to CADC.

-  QFITS: 500x500 and 1000x1000 image size option works very well in QFITS. Information provide by these high-res. sub-images turn out to be useful. We will keep 500x500 for QFITS-in and 1000x10000 for QFITS-out in order to be sure the png will always cover a fraction of the sky even if part of sub-images have scientifically irrelevant regions (like ovescan pixels).

-  Fred will implement and early basic XML data format tools developped in PERL instead of a recent software that does not work. Fred expect to have the tool running tonight.

-  Nothing done on SPICA so far.

Next tera-meeting: Friday 27th October (Yannick is in Garching for the ESO/STC next Monday/Tuesday and in Bonnn Wednedsay and Thursday, back Friday).

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