Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of June 30th, 2006
by YME - Updated December 22nd, 2006

Minutes for terameeting of 30th Jun 2006

Present: Emmanuel, Fred, Chiara, Yannick, Mireille, Henry

Absent: Laurent, Anthony, Anis, Mathias

Main topic: big problems of security this week after the TERAPIX forum and web pages were hacked

-  What happened:
-  13 juin files were added to the forum/SPIP
-  16,17 other files were added to the forum
-  23 new attack, new files were added
-  26 in the middle of the night all the pages of the forum were removed; Emmanuel was at SF2A, Laurent and Fred were not around

-  The forum was restored using a backup; there was no differential backup made; unfortunately some security holes were left
-  9am the following day another attack; the attacker gained access to SPIP pages and removed all the webpages
-  Forum software upgraded; and new version of forum software came out
-  Attacks continue every two hours, but without any success (usually from finding the forum with google
-  SPIP remains vulnerable


-  One problem was that we had no access to passwords; a copy of these passwords should be saved somewhere: deadline, today or monday

List of passwords

-  Root password (cosmix,clix) [currently the same]
-  Forum, SPIP, .dotproject (mix)
-  webservice (clix)

-  There is a strong need to present TERAPIXians the organisation of all services provided by TERAPIX. Several short presentations will be organised. We expect the first during the July 10 TERAPIX, by Laurent, about the DBs.

-  Differential, successive backups should be implemented, which allows us to go back to a given day if there are a problems Deadline: today or tomorrow

-  We need to monitor the partitions to see if there are ones which are full Deadline: Monday or Tuesday

-  Perhaps we need upgrade SPIP? But it is not certain that the new version of SPIP fixes all the security problems; and upgrades could be difficult. Fred will look at this with Francois Legrand who already experienced upgrades of SPIP. Deadline: End of July

-  It is decided that the following software will be periodically upgraded: dotproject, myBB, PHPmyadmin, SPIP, SVN

CFHTLS users meetings

-  Yannick proposes 6,7 November as the dates of the CFHTLS users' meeting


-  "swarp of death" should be tested on mix8,mix9 (Monday) and machines installed Deadline:10 July
-  mix9 will be used for WIRCam, mix8 for SPICA
-  The machines will have be to stopped one last time to make another change in the electricity supply
-  There is still a problem with mix1, which has an instable raid arrays and may crash at any moment; Yannick made rapid copies on the other machines
-  It was not possible backup mix1 at CPPN because there was no way to transfer file structures.
-  Plan: excess files will be removed from mix1 by all users, and then mix7 will be used for processing PI data; Chiara's data will be copied to mix9 from mix7/mix5 and Emmanuel's SDSS data to EFIGIX Deadline, 14th July. Then mix5 will devoted to SPICA processing

Previous tasks

-  New automount: no tests made yet
-  UPS: card inserted, no time for tests yet.
-  ypserve: cron job is running and verifies if there are too many ypserve processes running; nothing unusual found
-  z counts should be given to fred
-  Cleaning up the webpages; can keywords be added to web pages to make searching easier
-  More generally, we need to organise a meeting focussed and this issue in order to make pages more useful and practical, with much clearer and easier access to most relevant information
-  Documentation: only accepted/published refereed papers will be listed, no popsters nor proceedings. Those that ackowledge Megacam will be separated from others that ackowledge TERAPIX for other reasons, in case both are aknowldged, they will be listed in as Megacam.
-  New W3 T0003 relaase: rsync to CADC done, need to improve comments in the changelog file.
-  D4-u catalogue problem fixed, need to change in ftpix (Fred, could you please confirm?).
-  Annie Robin data: processing
-  L02/L05 data: processing
-  Mireille's disk: installed, working

WIRCAM PI data deep, Chiara

-  Chiara has started to reduce data from Simard in J,K: big problem is that the K-data has no dither offsets! This makes the processing of the data considerably more challenging; this means that we have to try to figure out a way to correctly mask all the artifacts
-  In any case, the procesing is fine tuned are is no longer a "pipeline-like" process. I cannot be even transposed for the processing of J-band data of the same field.

Other matters, SExtractor

-  Some problems with SExtractor with the new version of gcc which broke the calculation of X_IMAGE, Y_IMAGE
-  Upgrade SCAMP: on going

Next Meeting : Monday, July 10

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