- Updated December 22nd, 2006
Tera-minutes of the August 11 2006 meeting
Present: M. Dantel, C. Marmo, E. Bertin, A. Rojbi, F. Magnard, Y. Mellier
Absent: L. Domisse, M. Schultheis, H. McCracken, A. Baillard
- Panorapix2: (Anis)
Implementation of a large texture handling tool. Long debugging process. Yannick remind Anis we must have a tool working before he leave Terapix (end of October). It therefore means the tool should be ready by October 15 at the latest so that Anis can focus on documentation during the last 2 weeks of October. In order to have enough time to use and test Panorapix2, Anis has to deliver an advanced prototype to Terapix by September 15. With such a short time scale, it is better Anis implement the memory mapping module used in Panorapix1. Anis will also propose a detailled schedule of activities/tasks for the next 8 weeks.
- Software developement: (Emmanuel)
SWarp has been released, with several bugs fixed. Still needed to test this version on dust images.
SCAMP activitites will be posponed to the September 15-October 1 period. Emmanuel has to prepare his lectures for Cargese and focus on EFIGI activities. In the meantime Emmanuel will implement the XML interface in SCAMP for Laurent.
- WIRCam: (Chiara)
Processing De Breuck J+K data (3 fields) in progress (background subtraction). Similar defects as Cosmos images are present of these data. Loic did not answer yet on the encoding (-32 instead of 16) issue and why these data are different from all past WIRCam images. Expected anser from Loic: today. Chiara modified Weightwatcher and it can now handle NaN. Chiara also need flat-fields prodiced by Loic for these data.
The FLAT and BIAS keywords are not yet in the WIRCam FITS header, so these images cannot be processed in the current version of SPICA.
WIRCam data for McCarthy: raw data transferred to Terapix useless; we need the pre-processed images provided by Loic prior to start any procesing. Fred will remove the WIRCam raw images.
- Megacam PI: (Mireille)
Tully data:
The 1.5" pixel big image and its QFITS-out output produced by Mireille can be delivered to Tully. Mireille and Fred will meet today in order to put these data on ftpix. Mireille will describe the content of the ftpix data in a README file. 95% of work done so far.
Emmanuel did produced a BIG 0.2" pixel image from the Tully data. SWarp succeeded in producing the monster, but QFITS-out failed. It seems SExtrator failed in computing the background for this giant image.
Cowie data:
All data transferred to Terapix. About 210 images. However only 60 of them do have the FITS keywords generated by Elixir inside the FITS header, so it is likely SPICA cannot handle the others. Yannick will ask Kanoa, Jean-Charles and Len what happended and how we can proceed to get the keywords. In the meatime Fred will run QFITS-in on these data. Fred first need to provide more disk space (several PI data can be removed). Yannick will meet fred in order to select the data that can be removed. About 10% of the Terapix work done so far.
Mireille will provide the delivery dates of PI data products. The delivery dates will be added to Laurent's PI summary table .
- Other matters (dotproject) (All)
W1 u-band data for willot: need Laurent to run SPICA on W u-band data.
L02/L05 : in progress. All data graded. SPICA running.
W3 advisory: Henry's task. Nothing done.
T0003 reelase: table Wide+Deep + explanatory document. Yannick's task. In progress.
Annie Robin' data: progress stuck until next SCAMP developements. No clear dead line.
z-counts: Fred implemented the z-counts and checked it is much better. Need to process all QFITS-in z-counts plots again.
Poster: Jean Mouette sent a new jpg and met Poinot yesterday. We expect to see a real poster today.
QFITS: 5 png high resolution sub-image + documentation + merging and installation in SVN. Dead line September. No progress, so far.
SExtractor: ASCII+Binary outputs created simultaneously (Laurent's request. Not done yet.
Skywatcher: JC back from Britany. Yannick must talk to him.
UPS: USB cables arrived. Must be tested by Fred. If it worked, then no need to go for SNMP boards. SNMP price offer arrived.
Automount: all done. Still need to have a final check after next incident.
Mix5: still fc1/fc2 copies to remove by Fred (2.4TB). Henry's Cosmos+misc about 1TB to be removed. Yannick will and Fred will backup to CCPN.
Mix7 free. Mix2 : need to be cleaned by all. Mix1 : Fred can test a new mother board om Mix1.
= Backup account on : Fred will ask Gerard Tissier how we can have access to it. Then backup must be done.
Power point 2005 CHTLS meeting: Yannick's task. Nothing done, so far.
W4 target list: positions and finding charts. Yannick task. Nothing done so far.
Next INTRANET cleaning meeting: August 17, 10:30 am. Fred must attend this meeting
Next Terameeting: TBD