Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Friday December 16th, 2008
by HJMCC - Updated January 17th, 2009

Terameeting of Dec. 16th 2008. Present: Yannick, Henry, Mathias M., Fred, Greg, Patrick

Yannick's summary document


-  T0005: Jean-francois Sygnet has given us comments on CFHTLS release and documents; Yannick added these comments and did corrections when necessary. There are still some Sygnet' suggestions missing.
-  There are still documents which are incorrect concerning T0005 on the web pages; Yannick has asked Henry to once again double-check these pages.

Megacam PI data

-  Hudson data: Megacam data ready to be distributed; waiting to see if he needs the weight-maps.
-  Simona Mei would like to have the latest NGVS stacks.

Wircam PI

-  Flagley data is diffuse nebular data without any "off" pattern; this will be difficult to reduce.
-  Suggestion from Yannick: it would be a good idea if PIs contact terapix BEFORE observations are planned to discuss the best possible observing strategy to avoid these kinds of problems. (Can Jean-Charles put this info on the terapix web pages?

Discussion of role de Yuliana at TERAPIX

-  Yuliana will process PI-Hudson data and will work with Greg and Mathias on the development of youpi (end-user testing).

Youpi development

-  Shopping cart works, Scamp works and the rest works.
-  QF processing policy now works. Can make a scamp for example just on the machine with the largest amount of ram.
-  QF for all deep images and all wide images currently in process
-  Youpi demo with QualityFITS policies.
-  Mathias raises questions about the performance of youpi with many accesses
-  Question about managing scamp with many threads and vm; there should be a possibility to specify how many threads each process takes so as not to take all cores in a given machine.

-  Swarp will be the next plug-in to be developed.


-  All the new machines have arrived including the 9U fileserver.
-  mix14,mix15,mix16 processors have been replaced. mix3 motherboard.
-  mix7 raid card for sure HS; Fred will try return this card, but this could mean that the RAID array is unavailable for some time.
-  Fred will make some tests with distributed file systems on these new machines.
-  mix21 will need to moved so the 9U file storage system can be installed; Fred will tell us when this happens.
-  A home has been found for cos1,cos2,cos3 and cos4 (obsolete terapix machines).

-  Fred will remove mix* machines from public ip-address and make them only accessible from the private network. The additional free public ip addresses will be put into the DHCP pool.

-  Fred will try install 2MASS locally to avoid problems of network access to CDS.

Other matters

-  Not clear if R is what we need for a pipeline environment. Can mathias make a quantitative assessment of what the utility of R is for pipeline processing?

-  Yuliana's computer has been set up and she has account on the terapix computers and also will receive mails from teraops and teralist.

-  Everyone will send dates of Xmas vacations to teralist

MERRY CHRISTMAS to everyone!!... next meeting After January 5

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