Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Thursday November 13 , 2008
by YME - Updated November 26th, 2008

Minutes for the terameeting of November 13rd, 2008

Present: Patrick, Gregory, Mathias M., Mathias S. (video), Fred, Yannick.

Yannick's summary document (final version)

MEGACAM operations: PI MegaCam

Mathias S. will check if there are 854 completeness plots available, as expected done.

Mathias S. will find a reference for the 2MASS-ICRS astrometry done

Yannick will check the NGVS stacks done by Patrick.


Patrick will try to remove the donuts, using the trick proposed by Fred.

Note added by Yannick (one comment on FTOOL and Henry's summary added below):

During the last tera-meeting we proposed the following action :

-  FTOOL: Fred and Patrick will try to install a fraction of Ftools to avoid too much burden with a full and complex installation and operation of this heterogeneous library. If not successful, we will then go for the full Ftools installation, but on only one Terapix node.

Is there any news about this?

-  Henry's summary:

-  All of the WIRCAM WIRDS data has now been downloaded to terapix on fcix4.
-  Loic is now processing all the COSMOS H (priority) and then cosmos-K. I'm downloading the runs as they become available and placing them on fcix4.

-  **note** We should ask Roser / Loic to also reprocess the WUDS data, too right? ***

-  I have made a complete processing of the cosmos-h data in the run 08AF97 (around 3000 images) using the scripts from patrick right up to the production of the final stack. The cosmetic quality of the images is very good. More detailed photometric tests are underway.

-  I am currently processing the data 08AH24 (around 4000) and will add this to the 08AF97.

-  Once this is finished, there are around 1000 images left to process in the cosmos-h,then I will process the wirds data, starting at field D1.

-  WE NEED TO CLEAN UP THE DISKS. there are a lot of old images / data floating around which can be removed I think. Was this discussed at the meeting?

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