Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Monday October 28th , 2008
by YME - Updated November 13th, 2008

Minutes for the terameeting of October 28th, 2008

Present: Patrick, Gregory, Mathias M., Fred, Yannick.

Yannick's summary document (final version)

MEGACAM operations: PI MegaCam

-  Patrick will send the .ldac WIRCam files of the Mike Hudson's run to Scamp MegaCam+WIRCam in one shot. Reference will be SDSS-R6 .

-  Yannick will check that no NGVS files are missing in mix19 raids after the series of problems on this node.

SPICA2 : all

-  SPICA2 is officially DEAD, welcome to YOUPI ! .... Note the "!" is not part of YOUPI. We are now waiting for a logo.. and to know how we pronounce it in English.... Henry ?

-  Scamp: data selection. Following Fred's suggestion, YOUPI will have link to the current scamp.xml file. So, further selection images based on using criteria using hard data from Scamp will be easy in YOUPI.


-  Fred and Patrick will try to install a fraction of Ftools to avoid too much burden with a full and complex installation and operation of this heterogeneous library. If not successful, we will then go for the full Ftools installation, but on only one Terapix node.

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