- Updated February 9th, 2008
Minutes for the terameeting of January 28th 2008
Present: Yannick, Patrick, Mathias M., Fred, Gregory, Henry Joy , Mathias S.
Yannick's summary document
WIRCam (Patrick, Henry):
Henry will start stacks for Lise Deharveng today and will work on them over the week. Henry will send an email to Loic Albert about photometric calibration of [gamma]-filters and will look at the CH4-filter processing done by Chiara.
Patrick will work on the 0.07 mag. offset he found on some Mike Hudson' stacks. The PSF is very heterogeneous, so Patrick will try stacks patch-by-patch instead of one single global stack.
In parrallel Patrick will work on the remaining bad quality Bouvier' data. He will contact Jerome Bouvier to better understand their need and what could be done to get the best from these data.
PI MegaCam (Yannick):
Henry got a specific request from Michael Rich that he transmitted to Yannick. Yannick will take over the processing. (note: done and delivered)
T0005 Dry Run (Mathias S., Yannick, Fred):
Please look at the email exchanges over the past three weeks. Yannick, Mathias S., Fred and Herve Aussel are in close contact with Jean-Charles Cuillandre
Herve (Aussel), Mathias S. and Yannick had a 2.5hrs telephone call with Jean-Charles on Tuesday Jan. 29. Jean-Charles explained the grid generation processes. Jean-Charles forgot to process the whole star calibration fields through the new grid. He will then gather all Q97 data and will restart the processing. In order to check , to speed up and to anticipate delays, it was decided Jean-Charles will provide new calibrated data sets made of W4(-2,+1): griz of 07AQ09, W4(0,-2) ugriz of 06BQ01, 06AQ08 and 06AQ09 only. Also, we now plan to include the 08A first run in T0005, instead of stopping at the last run of 07B, so that we compensate the likely one month delay T0005 may have.
Yannick met Pierre Astier and Nicolas Regnault at LPNHE by Wednesday Jan. 30 about this grid generation issue. We agreed Terapix should produce its own grid correction in the future. However, after discussion with Emmanuel and then Jean-Charles, it is unlikely we can do this for T0005 if we want to release before end of May.
T0005: pipeline and DB developments (Mathias M. and Gregory):
Mathias M. and Gregory did a demo of the ingestion using their new interface. Several safe and very useful applications and control boxes added. They will add a PAUSE option and a will replace STOP by CANCEL.
Gregory will work on the QSO-STATUS bugs over the week.
We (Mathias M., Gregory, Fred, Henry, Patrick, Yannick) had a meeting on Thursday Jan. 31 to go through the pipeline and look at its implementation through a web interface. Due to another unexpected meeting, we focussed on QualityFITS. Mathias M. and Gregory, with help from Fred, will implement a web-Qfits that can easily handle thousands of FITS images. Goal: set by Feb. 15.
Hardware/System (Fred):
The first new CPUs arrived and are now in the computer room.
Fred will investigate the legal issues regarding the Terapix computing facilities and security access. Terapix hosted "unexpected movies" and no-one knows who is responsible: the IAP system manager? the IAP formal director? Fred? It may be necessary to go through the police and make a formal complaint in order to protect ourself in case we were spotted by RENATER.
Fred changed pwd's of MyBB , SPIP, etc...
Fred will contact Bertrand Goldman in order to have details on his request to install an external 1TB disk on cosmix CPUs. This option may be acceptable but it should be an exception and we cannot generalise this to all users.
NEXT Meeting: Thurday Feb. 7 afternoon