- Updated March 17th, 2008
Minutes for the terameeting of March 17th 2008
Present: Yannick, Patrick, Emmanuel, Gregory, Henry Joy, Mathias M., Mathias S. (videoconf), Fred (partly).
Emmanuel's summary document
MEGACAM T05 operations
Yannick asks Mathias S. to provide a description of how the photometric calibration is done exactly at CFHT (deadline April 13th).
Mathias mentions the fact that the problem of the offsets in the u band was still there, but Yannick says that the problem should now be fixed by Jean-Charles.
Henry asks whether the new images computed by Jean-Charles include the fringe correction of Chris Pritchett. Yannick said no.
Jean-Charles photometric "recipe" will probably consist of a list of magnitude zero-points for the T04 files that won't be replaced.
WIRCAM operations
Henry Joy remembers that for non-standard filters one should use PHOT_C0. Patrick will do re-do the stacking of the Y-band Bouvier data.
T05 developments
Fred added spica2 and spica2dev to the list of databases which backuped during the terameeting.
The e-mail problem has nothing to do with the hold problem. Fred takes over the e-mail sending problem (deadline: end of the week).
The new Condor (V7.0) has been installed.
The Mathias machine has been delivered, but is not installed yet.
GbE bonding tests made by Fred did not yield impressive results so far.
The motherboard of fcix4 seems dead.
Decisions and priority are set for the various tasks related to system/hardware this week:
- There will be no system upgrade, as time is running short now.
- The UPS will be activated in the coming days (most likely tomorrow).
- The new switch will be installed this week.
- The new mix will be put on line, and a fix for fcix4 will be found (most likely, a replacement of the motherboard) before the end of next week.
The fcix3 connection is back! No explanation was found why it failed and how it recovered.
The cosmix UPS is almost dead. Fred will check what can be done.
Emmanuel suggests to update the TERAPIX software on cosmix machines to the latest available (RPM) versions.