Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Thursday January 17th 2008
by E.B. - Updated February 1st, 2008

Minutes for the terameeting of January 17th 2008

Present: Yannick, Patrick, Mathias M., Emmanuel, Gregory, Henry Joy (partly), Mathias S. (partly).

Emmanuel's summary document

MEGACAM PI processing

-  There is no ongoing MEGACAM PI request currently: Mathias S. can fully concentrate on the legacy survey.
-  The data mentioned by P.Petitjean are the Coppolani data. Locate does not find trace of the file on FTPix or Mix7. Yannick will contact directly Patrick Petitjean (deadline: 17/01).

T05 operations

-  The 519 image QualityFITSion is about to be completed. Thanks to Condor, about 80 MEGACAM images can be processed each hour. If the CFHTLS data are spread over 3 datanodes, it should be possible to achieve 3 times this rate with the new incoming computing nodes.
-  The 03A, 03B (on CD), as well as 07B metadata (when it is final) will be ingested by Greg. It is expected to be available by Monday 21st.

T05 developments

-  It is decided to slice the WIRCAM datacubes before ingestion. It will have to be taken care of before ingestion. This choice facilitates the processing of images, but may make ingestion a bit more difficult (since there is only one QSOstatus entry per datacube).
-  Handling generic FITS images. It is proposed to add at least one mapping table from the FITS keywords to the database fields for each instrument.
-  Patrick will commit his rating interface to SVN and investigate whether he can adapt it to other kinds of images (MEGACAM, VIRCAM,...)
-  e-mails sent to the address indicated in the ingestion form will be cc'ed to teraop@iap.fr when the software is stable enough.
-  a preference tab and the related database table will be added to spica2.


-  The photometric check report has been sent to Herve and Jean-Charles for comments.
-  Mathias M. will from now work from home one day per week, generally on Friday. Starting from mid-February he will stay in Paris during the week and compress all his weekly worktime in 4 days at TERAPIX.

The next terameeting will take place January 28th, 2007 at 14:00 in the "salle des seminaires"

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