Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Tuesday March 25th 2008
by E.B. - Updated March 25th, 2008

Minutes for the terameeting of March 25th 2008

Present: Yannick, Patrick, Gregory, Henry Joy, Mathias M., Mathias S. (videoconf), Emmanuel, Fred (partly).

Emmanuel's summary document

MEGACAM T05 operations
-  Mathias will redo the offset and sigma plots using common magnitude cuts (-0.05 - +0.05 mag for instance).

WIRCAM PI operations
-  Henry Joy should make sure that the PIs of COSMOS and WIRDS have explicitely allowed TERAPIX to download the data from CADC.
-  Yannick asks Henry Joy to prepare an executive summary describing the WIRDS data and what Willott wants to be done (deadline: April 3).
-  The Dwelly data will be released this afternoon.
-  Patrick will perform additional photometric checks on the Balogh data before releasing them, in particular to understand if the dispersion is a consequence of photometric inhomogeneities.

T05 developments
-  Greg and Mathias M. will work together this afternoon and check if they need to modify the existing database model to perform queries for survey statistics.
-  Greg and Mathias M. will try to set up Django_gis as a the default Django installation (deadline: Wednesday 26).

-  Frederic has spent most of the week looking for a labeling device working on thermo-retractable sheaths.
-  All TERAPIX and Cosmix cluster machines will be switched off this afternoon. Fred will make sure that downtime is kept to a minimum for terapix.iap.fr.

-  Yannick points out that TERAPIX is commited to process part of the VST survey data using the Astro-WISE pipeline, but not the UltraVISTA survey. Because of tight manpower constraints, TERAPIX will install the Astro-WISE pipeline when a precise date is set for the start of the VST.
-  Henry Joy mentions that the Vista ZPN header keywords cause trouble in QualityFITS. Emmanuel will check if his software can be fixed to have it working (suggested deadline: April 11).

Next terameeting: TBD

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