Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Monday January 22nd 2007
by E.B. - Updated January 22nd, 2007

Minutes for the teraminutes of 22nd January 2007 Present: Mireille, Fred, Henry, Emmanuel, Chiara, Laurent, Yannick (partly), Mathias (by teleconf)

Emmanuel's summary document

-  Barger data has not been processed by QFits because of a problem with datatransfer.
-  Datatransfer still doesn't work; Laurent will try to fix it soon as possible (footnote: it seems that this has been fixed thi afternoon). Once this problem has been resolved then the CFHTLS-T04 data will also be transferred to the nodes.
-  Processing PI data Megacam requires intervention of Laurent / Fred and data transfer which can add a lot of time to the processing; is there a way to speed things up?
-  Need to have someone to follow the processing of PI data at a higher level: Henry has volunteered to do this. We will also take care of the quality control on the "Wide" part of T04.
-  Mireille will explain to Mathias how to make the stacks for the 04AF09 A. Robin data in February.
-  Emmanuel will try look at the problem of the z-band scamp solution in the 04AF09 z-band data next week.
-  Question from Chiara: What shall be the policy concerning the storage of old PI data images? It is suggested that PI "input" data should be conserved for one year (for a possible reprocessing); after that it will be removed from the disks. Long term observing projects might be offered from a longer grace period.
-  Laurent has installed W3Perl on FTPIX. A small demo is made during the meeting to show how to trace downloads on this machine.

T03 interface
-  (footnote: Laurent has fixed the broken links.)
-  Laurent will fix the broken CVS export function (footnote: done).

-  Laurent has tested QF on mix3 with the new optimised version of SExtractor; that has been running for one week now. Only one QFITS is running at a time. Laurent may add another QFITS job if needed at a later time.
-  Emmanuel still needs to look at the options for flux conservation in SWarp.

-  Skymaker 3.1 has been released.
-  SExtractor 2.5.1 has a 25% speedup with a 'patched' intel compiler.
-  Question from Chiara about the pixel scale in PSFEx check-images: the pixel scale defined in the QFITS PSFEx configuration file is the *same* as the pixel scale for the input images.
-  One task for the new engineer could be a program to automatically evaluate the PSF quality for each image, based on the PSFEx output.
-  Chiara asks if she is allowed to release her IR processing scripts to P.I. when their data cannot be reduced fast enough at TERAPIX.

-  32 megs now installed in mix7.
-  mix4, mix5, mix6 RAIDs have been rebuilt and are now working.
-  Pix6 power supply has been replaced. Pix7 has turned unstable and freezes after being up for some time.
-  The black 32bit machines (pix5-9) are actually on UPS. Pix1-4 are not, but Fred is waiting for a small UPS provided by Carlos.
-  Breaker pb: Fred will recontact Powerware today.
-  What is the status of PI data on pix6,7: Mireille will have a look and report back to Laurent.
-  Need to order a new power suppply? Only one spare is left.
-  Laurent will review of all the PI + calibration data on the machines.
-  It seems that the problem from the slowing down of SWarp is because of very long and intensive SMART self-tests; these are now turned off.

Other matters
-  Several old dot-project tasks were removed. Laurent will ask Jean-Christophe about the current status of SkyWatcher, and upgrade his dotproject entries.
-  Laurent Cambresy in reality doesn't do sky subtraction. Mathias will contact people at IPAC (Spitzer processing) this week to get processing tips. Answer expected for next week.
-  New QF has been installed in Naples.
-  Gregory Semah has accepted CDD post at TERAPIX; his background is in signal processing. Yannick will be here on Monday 29th to welcome here on his first day.
-  His role at TERAPIX will to automate processes at TERAPIX.
-  CADC have requested CSV tables for T03
-  Emmanuel showed his TERAPIX presentation for next week at La Rochelle and asked for input. A few details were fixed. A beautiful image must be added.
-  Fred corrected the link to T01 field map during the meeting.

-  Deharveng data processed
-  Only willot data better than 0.9'' will be conserved, first pass images processed.
-  a lot of work still to be done on automatic quality assessment.

Next tera-meeting: to be defined during the week (depending on the availability of TERAPIX members): not before Feb 1st.

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