- Updated September 18th, 2007
Minutes for the terameeting of September 5th 2007
Present: Yannick, Emmanuel, Chiara, Henry, Fred, Gregory.
Emmanuel's summary document
CFHTLS operations
Problem with colour terms: still pending. Mathias will probably have news next week.
Yannick expects news from CFHT (Jean-Charles) tomorrow 06/09 about the new version of Elixir processing.
The COSMOS u band data for 03,04,05 and 06 will be included in the CFHTLS T05 release.
The 07AF18 data (PI A.Robin) have been downloaded but still have to be QualityFITSed. Mireille will take care of the processing. Some additional, specific processing might be required to measure proper motions.
Yannick has reprocessed the 06BF26 data several times and believes he is now able to process PI data. He suggests to make a few modifications to the data collection strategy.
T05 software development
File transfers with Condor: Fred suggests to use FTP through SSL (only for authentication); having it working with all the Condor logins requires some work. Fred proposes to solve the Condor file transfer problem and limitation by encapsulating all file operations in a dedicated script. Fred has also investigated FUSE (FTP-based file-system) but user restrictions make it unconvenient; STORK seems dead (the 64bit version is incomplete) and it does not allow indirect transfers. Fred will write a first version of the transfer script and test it on the 07AF18 data. Deadline: Next Monday (10/09). Chiara will modify her script on her side and fall back to Fred's implementation when it is ready.
The racks will be moved next week after the recabling of the computer room. The TERAPIX cluster will be unaffected (but the Cosmix cluster will).
Money transfer from Besancon for the PNPS machine: it might be more efficient to directly split the bill and make Besancon pay directly.
provisional date for the next terameeting: Monday September 10th