Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Monday September 24th, 2007
by YME - Updated October 1st, 2007

Minutes for the terameeting of September 24th 2007

Present: Mireille, Fred, Henry, Mathias, Yannick

Yannick's summary document

NOTE: this version of the summary includes Gregory' activities he sent Monday afternoon

Data PI MEGACAM (Mireille, Mathias, Henry):

-  Mireille stopped the current Scamp on Annie Robin data, changed the threshold and started Scamp again. Currently running on mix7 with about 500 files.

-  The need for moving from 2MASS to GSC-2 catalog does not make Mireille comfortable about this kind of tuning. It sounds hard to implement in an automated pipeline, in particular if one need to tune differently depending on the number of periods used during the processing, or if the catalogs may change from one year to another. This is a point we must all discuss with Emmanuel.

-  Mathias will provide a list of stars located in these fields with known proper motions and will compute the expected shifts of their positions in the Megacam fields over the three period time scale. Then Mireille and Mathias can check the accuracy and scatter on high signal to noise proper motions prior to move ahead (note 25/09/07: list sent by Mathias.).

-  Mireille remind this issue of FITS headers having a photometric flag but no Phot_C in some Annie Robin data. In that case one must flag them as non-photometric. Yannick will ask Jean-Charles to clarify why we got data with this Keywords "P and no Phot_C and whether CFHT can fix this issue (note 24/09/07: email to Jean-Charles sent.).

-  Mireille asked who will process the Bouvier Megacam/WIRCam data. Need to discuss and decide with Chiara to coordinate this task.

T0004 (Mireille, Fred, Henry):

-  The tiny discrepancy between the Henry and Fred chi2 catalogs is not understood yet. Though is is negligible, Henry pointed out is may potentially be serious if cross-identification is done from the object line position in the catalog instead of its true RA, DEC. Henry will try to understand the problem by re-processing data that have been re-processed and put on fcix3.

-  The new T0004 catalogs are not yet available to CADC because the Fiber Channel switch is out of order. In order to make the files immediately available, Fred will ask CADC to produce a new directory tree on fcix3 to by-pass the Fiber Channel bay (note : 25/09/07: done by Fred and acknowledged by CADC. Yannick explained CADC what changed in the new catalogues and who should be warned among users) .

Hardware/System (Fred):

-  There is still one missing piece of hardware on the new rack to set everything. The missing piece have been ordered and will be delivered this week. mix10 is now installed on this rack and all other slots are free for the future nodes we are about to order.

-  Fred will stop and remove cos[1-4] in order to get free power on the rack hosting the cos* nodes and will install the SL2S node on it. An email to all cosmix users will be sent by Fred today (note 25/09/07: email to cosmix users sent.).

-  The UPS's are now configured but one point: UPS cannot send emails yet.

-  Fred will use the 2007 budget to buy a new mix node.

Misc (All, but mostly to Fred):

-  SMART 'long' tests: the only thing pending is a global reboot of all Terapix computers. In order to avoid interruptions during the ADASS-2007 meeting (for demo's) and to finish the currently running Scamp on Annie Robin data, Fred will reboot all WEDNESDAY sept. 26 at 19:00 (i.e. 18:00 UK time, so that the ADASS meeting will be finished). In case Scamp is not finished, Fred will reboot all but mix7.

-  QualityFITS: regarding Chiara's question to Fred, Fred will check the version installed on mix9/10 is ok. If so he will install it as the current QFITS version on all nodes, otherwise he will modify it accordingly prior install.

-  cexec : Fred can reproduce the problem. Only clix has this problem. Fred does not understand why and will investigate note 25/09/07: problem fixed: a public key was missing in the .ssh/know_hosts, so the cexec could only work for Fred).

-  Next meeting: Monday October 1st, 10:30, room 281.

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