Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Thursday January 9th 2007
by E.B. - Updated January 16th, 2007

Teraminutes for January 9th 2007

Present: Laurent, Henry, Yannick, Emmanuel, Mireille, Chiara, Fred. Absent: Mathias, Anthony

Emmanuel's summary document

-  Yannick will contact Loic Albert to see when he will come to TERAPIX
-  Herve's work yesterday showed that the difference chip-to-chip is not constant and is different by 5% from Loic's estimates. It is not clear how CFHT alone can solve this problem. One should check first that the difference is not due to a sensitivity of MAG_AUTO to seeing changes. - One of the four quadrants of WIRCAM is particularly out of focus (this is seen in the data from Dharveng); Loic / CFHT have to be contacted for for this.
-  Herve has sent the "crosstalk recipe" to Loic, but it has not been implemented at CFHT, probably because it is semi-interactive.
-  The Cuby/Willis data have not been sky subtracted: need to find out why!
-  Henry should discuss with Jean-Paul the priority of 06BF97 (shall we wait for crosstalk corrections?)
-  Chiara faces hardware problems with mix1; Fred will try change the motherboard in mix2 this week, and report on Friday 12th.

Cluster status
-  The T03 table is ready with the exception of the number of files in the r-band column: Laurent will run Table t03 through a validator.
-  mix3,mix4 are now operational
-  The data which was accidentally removed has been restored, but qualityFITS has still to be re-done on 2246 recovered images: these will be handled as T04 data.
-  Fred will remove the multiple images for the end of this week.
-  The crontab of JC isn't there any more; we will need to restore these scripts.
-  QFs should be started this week (according to Laurent).
-  pix6/pix7 didn't restart and seem to all intents and purposes dead: Emmanuel and Fred will investigate.
-  mix9 slows down as ever on sunday morning; Fred will try to stop all cron jobs on saturday morning.
-  mix5,mix6 have degraded RAIDS this stuff should be reconstructed before the end of the week.
-  Still no feedback from Christophe on the power breaker pb.
-  Fred will configure SMART to send emails to teraop about degraded raids.

PI data
-  Barger data has still to be downloaded.
-  Genevieve Soucail seems happy with the processing results.
-  Doubled images in W1 found by Mireille; these were not reprocessed, need to check if there are masks covering these bad regions.
-  Mireille will go with Annie Robin's data while Mathias is away.
-  Yannick received a complex processing request from an undergraduate student; he will contact his advisor.

Other matters
-  Yannick has received a CV from someone who might be interested in the CDD post but who is perhaps overqualified?
-  Emmanuel had one candidate for an image processing "stage".
-  Fred will install QF remotely on naples (he has root access on a machine).
-  Mireille will retire on the 31 December 2007!

Next meeting: Monday 15th December 2007 at 10:00 am

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