- Updated January 16th, 2007
Teraminutes for January 9th 2007
Present: Laurent, Henry, Yannick, Emmanuel, Mireille, Chiara, Fred. Absent: Mathias, Anthony
Emmanuel's summary document
Yannick will contact Loic Albert to see when he will come to TERAPIX
Herve's work yesterday showed that the difference chip-to-chip is not constant and is different by 5% from Loic's estimates. It is not clear how CFHT alone can solve this problem. One should check first that the difference is not due to a sensitivity of MAG_AUTO to seeing changes. - One of the four quadrants of WIRCAM is particularly out of focus (this is seen in the data from Dharveng); Loic / CFHT have to be contacted for for this.
Herve has sent the "crosstalk recipe" to Loic, but it has not been implemented at CFHT, probably because it is semi-interactive.
The Cuby/Willis data have not been sky subtracted: need to find out why!
Henry should discuss with Jean-Paul the priority of 06BF97 (shall we wait for crosstalk corrections?)
Chiara faces hardware problems with mix1; Fred will try change the motherboard in mix2 this week, and report on Friday 12th.
Cluster status
The T03 table is ready with the exception of the number of files in the r-band column: Laurent will run Table t03 through a validator.
mix3,mix4 are now operational
The data which was accidentally removed has been restored, but qualityFITS has still to be re-done on 2246 recovered images: these will be handled as T04 data.
Fred will remove the multiple images for the end of this week.
The crontab of JC isn't there any more; we will need to restore these scripts.
QFs should be started this week (according to Laurent).
pix6/pix7 didn't restart and seem to all intents and purposes dead: Emmanuel and Fred will investigate.
mix9 slows down as ever on sunday morning; Fred will try to stop all cron jobs on saturday morning.
mix5,mix6 have degraded RAIDS this stuff should be reconstructed before the end of the week.
Still no feedback from Christophe on the power breaker pb.
Fred will configure SMART to send emails to teraop about degraded raids.
PI data
Barger data has still to be downloaded.
Genevieve Soucail seems happy with the processing results.
Doubled images in W1 found by Mireille; these were not reprocessed, need to check if there are masks covering these bad regions.
Mireille will go with Annie Robin's data while Mathias is away.
Yannick received a complex processing request from an undergraduate student; he will contact his advisor.
Other matters
Yannick has received a CV from someone who might be interested in the CDD post but who is perhaps overqualified?
Emmanuel had one candidate for an image processing "stage".
Fred will install QF remotely on naples (he has root access on a machine).
Mireille will retire on the 31 December 2007!
Next meeting: Monday 15th December 2007 at 10:00 am