- Updated March 12th, 2007
Minutes for the terameeting of March 5th 2007
Present: Chiara, Mireille, Emmanuel, Frederic, Henry, Mathias (video), Laurent (last 30 minutes)
Emmanuel's summary document
Marguerite Pierre data: Mireille sees shifts in the colour/colour plots, probably due to a zero-point shift in the g-band. Several hypotheses are discussed: influence of a grey sky in some g band exposures (unlikely according to Emmanuel), a chi2 balancing problem between internal and external constraints, or possibly the fact that an exposure with too bad a seeing was chosen as the photometric reference. Mireille will try chosing an image with a better seeing.
Remote eyeballing of FITS data takes too much time according to Mathias. Mireille suggests to compress the FITS files before downloading them in Besancon. Mathias will also try to open FTP connections at once.
Fred will order the new SATA disk for today!
Fred reports that he has completely updated the backup procedure of all the databases and config files, including a backup on our "Free" account. He also mentions that dbterapix has not been backed up during the last 3 months. Software development
Fred will implement the support for new SCAMP parameters in QualityFITS this week.
Jean-Christophe has not yet answered to Chiara about Datatransfer versions.
Snooppix 2.0 will be put in SVN by Fred before the end of the week.
Emmanuel will look at the pthread_mutex_destroy() bug in SCAMP this afternoon.
Fred mentions a possible consistency problem with the harware quotations in the UltraVista proposal.
Fred says that the teleconference with CADC on the 7th of March is cancelled.
For 9kEur one can get 7.5TB of disk and 16GB of RAM (SL2S machines).
It was not possible to hire Anthony starting April 1st to work on Panorapix. Anthony will have to remain unpaid during April and May. Yannick and Anthony will discuss later on the implication of Anthony in the Panorapix project.
Chiara will put her tutorial link page on the public web site and a post on the forum.
Henry will complete his report on the impact of artifacts from Loic's processing on the photometry, the completeness and the reliability of the final WIRCAM stacks for the 19th of March.
T04 processing
Laurent is still expecting the recent Skyprobe values from JJ Kavelaars. He will contact him again.
Laurent will regrade all the D exposures in B this afternoon. He will first save to a CSV file the list of "D" exposures.
Laurent says he won't have the time to add the support for the SCAMP VOTables in SPICA before 2 weeks. Following Yannick's recommendation, it is decided that Laurent shall run SPICA without recording the SCAMP metadata in SPICA. Laurent mentions that we are probably missing some photometric info for the new data until JJ Kavelaars sends the new SkyProbe values. This may be critical for the W4 stacks. But we go on; although we may have to reprocess W4 later on.
Laurent will meet with Emmanuel this afternoon about the updating of config files.
Henry checks with Yannick the selection criteria (seeing, etc.) for the release. Update: for u,g,r,i,z : the criteria are the same as for T03, except that images previously graded "D" are now included. For each band of the Deep there will be a "T04a" with best 25% seeing and a "T04b" with 85% best seeing.