Terapix Star Formation Region IC 1396, © 2001 CFHT
Teraminutes for the meeting of Monday January 15th 2007
by E.B. - Updated January 22nd, 2007

Teraminutes for the 15th January 2007 Present: Chiara, Laurent, Mireille, Emmanuel, Mathias (by videoconf), Yannick, Henry, Frederic

Emmanuel's summary document

Wircam: Chiara
-  Yannick has proposed that Loic (and possibly Stephane Arnouts) comes to the IAP between the 12 and 24 of March 2007.
-  For the photometric calibration, Emmanuel suggests that Herve's calculations be re-done with MAG_APER; Emmanuel thinks that using MAG_AUTO could be what produces the observed variation in chip-to-chip zero points. Henry will re-run Herve's scripts with aperture magnitudes.
-  In the current WIRCAM processing, sky subtraction takes up to 80% of the cpu time, and currently TERAPIX cannot keep up with the data flow.
-  A request has been made to CFHT and CAS for money to have a second machine (or two), costing around 20Keur.
-  McHardy and friends have transferred their data, but they haven't contacted us yet: it should be added in the README given to P.I.'s that they must notify TERAPIX when the downloads have been completed.
-  Jerome Bouvier's H test stack has been completed. A mail will be sent to Jerome today or tomorrow
-  Williot data has been sky-subtracted and QF has been run on all the images; the PSF catalogues still have to be made.

Starting T04
-  All the data has been transferred on fcix2; now have to be transferred to the nodes.
-  For the data which was on mix3 this can be transferred to other nodes to speed up the processing.
-  There is currently a problem with Laurent's / JC scripts with PHP in "safe mode", which stops data from being transferred to the nodes [postscript: Fred has found the solution to this problem].
-  QF can be started on mix3, because the data is already there.

Pending T03 issues
-  Laurent will run the T03 table through a W3 validator.
-  Mireille has checked that the misaligned CCDs in W1 images had not been masked out: Yannick will create the masks for next week.

misc hardware matters
-  processes on mix7 will be stopped and the extra memory chip installed [postscript: Fred did this in the afternoon].
-  mix1/mix2 continue to cause problems, Fred will replace mix2's motherboard with the existing spare one.
-  No progress on the problems with the breakers.
-  Emmanuel will try to repare pix6 and pix7 [postscript: done].

-  05 robin data is 'acceptable'.
-  04AF09 (group 2) poses problems, Mireille thinks that this comes from defocusing in the z-band. Emmanuel will investigate.
-  Mathias will make the stacks for the data, but need to have more information from Annie.
-  Mireille has experienced MutEx pbs with SCAMP on mix7. Emmanuel suggests that this may come from the latest libraries installed on kiravix.
-  06AD89 (GRB data) is on ftpix; password and user FTP account need to be created for the users of this data.

-  Discussion with JCC about the photometric corrections made at CFHT; it turns out that the flux is corrected for astrometric effects at CFHT. This means that we need to change the value of FSCALASTRO_TYPE keyword in SWARP to 'NONE'. Note that this will mean that in cases where the output pixel scale is very different from the input one this does not conserve flux! Emmanuel will decide something.

Future projects at TERAPIX: note, see the images of the whiteboard in room 282.
-  CFHTLS (cfht)
-  COSMOS (cfht)
-  ULTRAVISTA (vista 4m) YJHK (public surveys)
-  WUDS (deep WIRCAM) WUDS (large program
-  WIRDS (cfht) (2008b + wircam) C+F; JHK
-  full information on two images of the whiteboard taken by Fred:

Future surveys - 547.5 kb
Future surveys

Future surveys (cont.) - 539.5 kb
Future surveys (cont.)

Next terameeting: Monday 22nd January

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